But I stand at the point if a movie tries to take the path of the book it should stay on it and it must not be more confusing than the book was.What good is a movie if you have to read the book to understand it?
Reading the other thread got me thinking of this one. Has anyone read Stephen King's "The Shining"? I read the book long before I saw the movie. I can't say I like everything King has written, he is a bit too "out there" at times for me. This book is one of my favorites of his. As far as the movie is concerned, I loved it. I even went to the theater twice to see it. I also bought the DVD. Who could resist Jack Nicholson's "Here's Johnny"?! Even as I type this I can hear him saying it!
The audience’s response to that process is also interesting. DJ Doena gets credit for sending this twisted brain went off in yet another direction. Point awarded! Do you read the book first or the film? (I always read the book first. I’m so anal I even try to read the books in the order that they are written.) What influences that decision? (I’m nuts) Are there exceptions to the rule? (nope ) If you own one do you have to get the other? (Yep)
And today I went to the "Order of the Phoenix". As I said it's not one of my favourites. But the director managed to compress the story into one hell of a movie. I am inclined to put it on top of all movies. The story was well-told, nearly complete[...]
I had a few thoughts as I read the posts. First, I should explain that I am an avid reader. I own thousands and thousands of books – and have read them all. I never met a genre I didn’t like. Action, fantasy, comedy, adventure, sports, history, autobiographies, how-to …I really like ALL genres! The first book > movie I want to touch base on is The Lord of the Rings. The LOTR novel: I have read this book at least once a year for at last 20+ years. It is a tradition that I follow faithfully and will continue to do so. There is something magical in this book – I love everything about it. I never thought it could/would be able to be brought to screen – I admit it, I was VERY skeptical! Now about the LOTR movie: “Peter Jackson, will you marry me?” about sums up my feelings. I’m reminded of the TV series “Sliders” or “Alice in Wonderland” when discussing the movie, it’s LOTR in a different reality. The book and movie are totally disparate, and yet just the same. Oh, and the discrepancies, they don’t bother me at all.