Time for another game in this quiet section.
OK, so it's not really a "game"
per se. It's a way of introducing you and others to YouTube videos you wouldn't have thought to search for. The idea works this way: I start by posting a video that I found on YouTube. You watch the video and at the end of the video they always display "recommendations." (These are the same recommendations that they show to the right of that video, but the point initially is to watch the video shown here.)
Once you have watched the video, click one of the recommended links. You do not have to watch that video. You can either skip to the end or go to the right side of the page and click another recommendation, then again, and again, and again until you have clicked recommendations six different times (so after where you started, you should be six more pages deep.) Watch and then post that last video link here. You do not have to do anything with the videos in between.
Someone else then watches the new video posted and does the same thing, going six more recommendations down. It's also recommended that you vary your clicks. Don't always choose the first one, and try not to choose the ones that are easily noticeable as fully connected (eg: same band, same user, same sport, etc) I joined this on another forum and it was weird the stuff some links lead to.
I will start by posting one video and then below it a vid that was 6 steps away. The next person should use the
second video to post the next link.
... and six degrees from that is this video ....
Your turn