Author Topic: Addicted2comics(:P)'s Official Review Thread!!!  (Read 108076 times)

Alien Redrum

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Re: Addicted2comics(:P)'s Official Review Thread!!!
« Reply #195 on: September 27, 2010, 01:57:42 AM »
This kind of "documentary" is the worst thing that can be made because he doesn't name the real guilty. I'm really shocked that poor propaganda films like that are shown as the truth in american schools...

I can't speak for the rest of the post, but I agree with this 100%. I hate this documentary because it misplaces the blame. To accuse McDonald's (and other fast food restaurants) of America's obesity problem is ridiculous and lazy filmmaking. McDonald's is in business to make money and if selling fatty foods makes them money, so be it. Good lord, what happened to personal responsibility?

Guess what, Spurlock, if you go on a snickers only diet for a month IT MIGHT NOT BE GOOD FOR YOU. You going to go after the chocolate companies next?

I'm stopping my rant now. I really hate this documentary.  :laugh:

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Re: Addicted2comics(:P)'s Official Review Thread!!!
« Reply #196 on: September 27, 2010, 02:02:01 AM »
I've never seen this and I haven't really wanted to.  Everything I've read and heard about it seems to indicate that the only target for the problem of people being overweight is the food sold at McDonalds.  Yes a lot of if it isn't that good for a person, but it is also a personal choice to eat tons of it while not exercising.

I know I heard about someone filing a lawsuit over this..saying they were fat because of the food sold at a fast food restaurant.  It might have been McDonalds.  I can't remember now.  That's just insane. 

I do need to lose some weight and get in better shape, but that doesn't mean I blame fast food for making me this way.  I've chosen to eat it at times...or other not so good stuff and I haven't done as much exercising as I should. 

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Re: Addicted2comics(:P)'s Official Review Thread!!!
« Reply #197 on: September 27, 2010, 02:27:37 AM »
I never felt the point of the movie was to defame one fast food restaurant. And, as far as law suits go, there is always going to be someone trying to make a buck with ridiculous law suits.

What I found fascinating about this film was that it highlighted how businesses and marketing can have a detrimental effect on people. It showed the effects that huge portions, at lower prices, encourage and promote obesity. There were physiological ramifications, documented using scientific data, which I had never known could occur.

Addictions, whether it is drugs, food, alcohol, sex etc. experience actual psychological or physical changes that often impact the ability to make it a "personal choice". This film brought a little bit of insight into this phenomena.

One could do a similar film that documents the devastating effects that businesses and marketing have on young girls and body image. We are one of the few countries in the world where size zero is considered the ideal female form. Bulimia, anorexia and other disorders are a direct result and are found in children as young as three years old.

These issues are so complex and difficult to understand, I'm always interested in someone who tackles the topics.


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Re: Addicted2comics(:P)'s Official Review Thread!!!
« Reply #198 on: September 27, 2010, 02:59:46 AM »
Guess what, Spurlock, if you go on a snickers only diet for a month IT MIGHT NOT BE GOOD FOR YOU. You going to go after the chocolate companies next?
Great idea ;D
Maybe we should make a documentary when we will follow the two of us doing it and make a tons of money out of it. But I want to change for a Caramilk diet (I prefer this brand) and to do it even better we drink Coke only. Of course if we became sick it won't be our fault and we will launch a lawsuit against Cadbury and Coca Cola (you in the USA and me in Canada).

Alien Redrum

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Re: Addicted2comics(:P)'s Official Review Thread!!!
« Reply #199 on: September 27, 2010, 05:46:36 PM »

Kathy, I read your post, but there is no way for me to respond to it without sounding like a jackass (because of the internet, not because of me really being a jackass -- which I don't deny either).

I can understand what you are saying, and I can appreciate why you liked the documentary, but I don't buy any of it.

(The bolded part makes me look like a jackass, because I don't know how to phrase it properly. It sounds as if I'm nullifying your opinion, but I don't mean to.)

I think what just burns me about this doc is nothing new is brought to the table (for me). It was sooooooo popular, but there are shit-ton of docs out there that are not only leagues better, but they are more important for people to see. The fact that doc is more well known than, say, The Cove or Paradise Lost or any number of other documentaries that should be as popular if not more popular than this just burns me.

But McDonald's was the scapegoat of the month the year it came out, so I can see why it did so well. It's just (as I said before) such sad and lazy filmmaking. (All of which is my opinion of course. :) )

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Re: Addicted2comics(:P)'s Official Review Thread!!!
« Reply #200 on: September 27, 2010, 06:03:43 PM »
From one jackass to problem!  :laugh:

I never saw this film when it came out or read anything about it until I actually saw it a year or so ago.

So, my feelings about it are coming strictly from how I perceived it and how it affected me. And, because I am a health care professional, I viewed it through that lens.

I know there are tons of other documentaries out there but I never compare one film to another. Some, such as The Cove, I find so disturbing to me that I will not watch it.

I think that is why I enjoy reading everyone's reviews on this forums, And, why I find I have so little to contribute. I don't have the expertise to dissect or compare films. I only know if they affect me or not. Or, whether or not I like them.

As far as this film is concerned, or any other for that matter...I am right and you are wrong!  :tease:

Alien Redrum

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Re: Addicted2comics(:P)'s Official Review Thread!!!
« Reply #201 on: September 27, 2010, 06:21:05 PM »
From one jackass to problem!  :laugh:

I never saw this film when it came out or read anything about it until I actually saw it a year or so ago.


I heartily admit the hype that I had heard surrounding it definitely affected how I felt about it at the end of the day.

So, my feelings about it are coming strictly from how I perceived it and how it affected me. And, because I am a health care professional, I viewed it through that lens.


I can dig that. I can say American Movie is one of the best documentaries ever, but many people will find it ass because they won't see it on the level I am. (I'm by no means saying they don't "get it", but someone involved in independent film will definitely see that documentary different than someone who isn't.

As far as this film is concerned, or any other for that matter...I am right and you are wrong!  :tease:

Actually, you aren't. You weren't around when I first started talking about documentaries, so you will never know the intent behind the discussion of documentaries. Instead you begin the usual shower demeaning comments and remarks designed merely to inflame rather than discussing. This all leads me to believe your understanding of the documentary discussing is completely incorrect.

Maybe one day you will understand the discussion about documentaries. Not today... tomorrow maybe.



:laugh: :P


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Re: Addicted2comics(:P)'s Official Review Thread!!!
« Reply #202 on: September 28, 2010, 05:27:35 PM »

I can't believe I started this........

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Re: Addicted2comics(:P)'s Official Review Thread!!!
« Reply #203 on: September 28, 2010, 05:42:10 PM »

I can't believe I started this........

This being posted at 11:27am... Britt you are in school to learn... not goof off on the net!  :tease:

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Re: Addicted2comics(:P)'s Official Review Thread!!!
« Reply #204 on: September 28, 2010, 07:16:37 PM »

I can't believe I started this........

Actually I'm glad you did - those "wrong" comments made me laugh!

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Re: Addicted2comics(:P)'s Official Review Thread!!!
« Reply #205 on: September 28, 2010, 10:40:27 PM »
I can't believe I started this........
Brittany it's always good when one of our review brings a discussion, no need to use the bag

This being posted at 11:27am... Britt you are in school to learn... not goof off on the net!  :tease:
But Pete is right on this :hysterical:


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Re: Addicted2comics(:P)'s Official Review Thread!!!
« Reply #206 on: September 28, 2010, 10:50:26 PM »
Maybe it was her lunch time?  Or study hall?  Do they still have that?   :-\

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Re: Addicted2comics(:P)'s Official Review Thread!!!
« Reply #207 on: September 28, 2010, 11:23:25 PM »
Well... she CLAIMS it was her lunch time.  :tease:


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Re: Addicted2comics(:P)'s Official Review Thread!!!
« Reply #208 on: September 29, 2010, 01:06:15 AM »
Yes it was my lunch period!! ::) I had a whole hour to myself and it only takes me about 15 minutes to eat. What else am I to do? lol

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Re: Addicted2comics(:P)'s Official Review Thread!!!
« Reply #209 on: September 29, 2010, 01:21:10 AM »
You are in school... You study!  :tease: