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Member's Reviews

The Shining, a review by Boomstick98

The Shining (1980)  :thumbup:

Plot: A family heads to an isolated hotel for the winter where an evil and spiritual presence influences the father into violence, while his psychic son sees horrific forebodings from the past and of the future.

My O: This was the first time I have ever watched this film all the way through. I have seen small clips over the years, but never took the time to sit down and watch the whole thing. WOW, what an amazing movie. The movie lasted 142 minutes, but I didn't take my eyes off it the entire time. The suspense and creepy atmosphere just keeps building and building. I wonderful performance by Jack Nicholson. I truly thought he was going insane. There are a couple of scenes that will leave you thinking "What the heck did I just see". If there are any holdouts that have not seen this movie yet I highly recommend it.

(From Boomstick's 2009 Horror Marathon on October 3rd, 2009)

Member's Reviews

The Ron Clark Story, a review by addicted2dvd

     The Ron Clark Story: Widescreen (2006/United States, Canada)
IMDb |Wikipedia |
Marvista Entertainment, Echo Bridge Home Entertainment (United States)
Director:Randa Haines
Writing:Ron Clark (Original Material By), Max Enscoe (Writer), Annie De Young (Writer)
Length:91 min.
Video:Anamorphic Widescreen 1.66:1
Audio:English: PCM: 2-Channel Stereo

Matthew Perry as Ron Clark
Ernie Hudson as Principal Turner
Judith Buchan as Snowden School Principal
Griffin Cork as Hadley
Jerry Callaghan as Ron Clark Sr.

  • Scene Access

My Thoughts:

This is one I just borrowed from the library. And I must say I really enjoyed every minute of it. But then I have always been partial to stories based on true events. I liked the characters... the storyline easily kept my interest. So much so that the time flew by... seemed like the film had just started when I suddenly saw the end credits come on. While this did have a few laughs in it... this is not a comedy film... so it was different for me to see Matthew Perry in such a serious role. But I can't complain... I think he did a great job. As did the entire cast really. This is one I never heard of before seeing it on the library shelf... but one I am more then comfortable recommending.


(From TV Stars in Movies Mega-thon Thread on November 9th, 2015)

Member's TV Reviews

Smallville Marathon #2, a review by DJ Doena

Disc 2

Synopsis: A solar flares makes Clark's abilities go kablooey. Unfortunately there's a witness to his accidental uses of his powers: Perry White, a former reporter, whose career has been terminated by none other than Lionel Luthor. Now he works for a TV show that deals with paranormal events and Smallville is the Mecca for this.

My Opinion: I didn't like that Perry White that much, most likely because of the way he's portrayed. And I can't imagine that a man like him would ever forget what he has seen in Smallville. So, when one day he is the editor of a certain "Daily Planet" and a young reporter called Clark Kent gets his job there, I doubt he would have forgotten that young man, especially when soon after a certain "Superman" appears. But then again, who says that this Perry White will ever become editor of the "Daily Planet"?

Synopsis: Lana visits his great uncle, who is convicted of the murder of his wife. It happened back in 1961 but some things don't add up. He claims that there was a mysterious drifter and that drifter looked a lot like Clark Kent. Clark helps investigate this case and finds a "journal" hidden in the Kawatche cave: Jor-El of Krypton had been visiting Earth 40 years ago.

My Opinion: I liked the episode because it made Jor-El much more "human". Before this we just knew his voice and his orders. Now we've learned that he had the same problems as Clark currently has. I also liked that there's a link between Jor-El and Jonathan's father Hiram. Martha said in the pilot that they didn't find him, but he found them. How right she was. :)

Synopsis: A young man is attacked and an infection of his blood with kryptonite and an MRI give him the ability to move metal objects as well as control emotions of persons he touches. He uses this to "persuade" Lana to go out with him but Clark sees through the charade and tries to help.

My Opinion: FotW episode with Lana once again as the victim and Clark once again accused of jealousy.

Synopsis: Lex is attacked in his mansion but can escape. He hides out at Clark's and Clark tries to help him. But was Lex really attacked or did he have a mental breakdown?

My Opinion: One thing I have to admit: Michael Rosenbaum is a way better actor than Tom Welling. I really like Tom and I don't know if it's due the role or not, but his range of facial expressions is rather limited (smiling, backing off, lying, looking worried and a few others). Michael on the other hand did a great job in this one. I "loved" to see him go nuts and the end was great.

(From Smallville Marathon #2 on May 31st, 2008)