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Messages - GSyren

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Invelos Software Related / Re: Anyone able to post at Invelos?
« on: June 29, 2021, 09:35:37 AM »
My main concern is that it could take a while for Ken or Gerri to even notice something is wrong.

Hopefully their screeners will raise an eyebrow when no new contributions come in.
We know that Ken visits the forum now and then, and eveen though there is a lot less traffic than there used to be, the total absence of new postings should be a red flag. There's normally new postings in the common name threads every day.

Invelos Software Related / Re: Anyone able to post at Invelos?
« on: June 28, 2021, 09:28:56 PM »
Yeah, the servers are still up, so it seems it's just the website. Like Doombear I expected everything to go away if Invelos was shut down. I sure hope it will get fixed!

The Collector's Place / Re: What'ya got 2018
« on: September 30, 2018, 04:18:35 PM »
Once Upon a Spy
UPC 043396-432000 | United States 1980 | 96 minutes | Sony Pictures Home Entertainment
When NASA's mega-computer is stolen, the government calls on Jack Chenault (Ted Danson, TV's "Damages"), a wisecracking computer expert, to help track it down. Partnered with Paige Tannehill (Mary Louise Weller, Animal House), the two find out that Marcus Valorium (Christopher Lee, The Lord of the Rings series), a mysterious and powerful millionaire, is in control of the computer and plans to use it to take over the world. It is up to Jack and Paige to take down Valorium and save the day.

UPC 4-020628-761936 | Italy 1977 | 411 minutes | Koch Media
Waffenhandel, Pornografie, Erpressung und Mord: Im Italien der 70er Jahre hat das Verbrechen Hochkonjunktur und mit ihm die sogenannten "Poliziotteschi", die als brutale und kompromisslose europäische Variante des amerikanischen Gangsterfilmes das kriminalistische Äquivalent zum Spaghetti-Western wurden. Die "Eurocrime"-Box vereint erstmals drei blutige Klassiker des Genres in einer Box, die mit Mike Malloys umfangreicher Dokumentation gleichen Titels den Beweis antritt, dass Sodom und "Gomorrha" fest in europäischen Crime-Traditionen verankert sind.

Italienische Metropolen und ihre kriminelle Organisationsstruktur bilden das verbindende Fundament der "Eurocrime"-Einträge: Sei es Rom als "Stadt der Panik", die von einer Bande aus dem Gefängnis geflohener Schwerkrimineller terrorisiert wird und auf die Dienste eines schießwütigen Commissario (Maurizio Merli) vertrauen muss. Oder das brutale Turin, das in "Gewalt über der Sadt"  zum Schauplatz von Vergewaltigungen, Mord und Drogenkriminalität wird. Schließlich abermals die italienische Hauptstadt für "Convoy Busters", in der erneut Maurizio Merli mit ein paar besonders skrupellosen Waffenhändlern fertig werden muss: Das Verbrechen zeigt sich stets von seiner schmutzigsten Seite, dem die Polizei mit ebensolchen Mitteln begegnen muss. Willkommen in der wunderbar moralfreien Zone der Poliziotteschi!

Der letzte Wagen
UPC 4-020628-834586 | United States 1956 | 99 minutes | Koch Media, Hollywood Classics, Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment
Drei der Mörder, die seine Familie töteten, kann Halbblut „Comanche” Todd umbringen. Doch der Vierte, Sheriff Bull Harper, überwältigt ihn, nimmt ihn gefangen und schleift ihn unbarmherzig durch die Wüste. Als sie auf einen Wagentreck stoßen, schließt sich Harper mit seinem Gefangenen den Siedlern an um möglichst schnell in die nächste Stadt zu kommen und Todd vor ein Gericht zu stellen. Doch der Weg führt durch ein gefährliches Indianergebiet. Als die Rothäute die Reisenden in einen Hinterhalt locken und fast alle Erwachsenen massakrieren, kann nur noch der gefangene Todd die überlebenden Jugendlichen vor den grausamen Angreifern beschützen.

Westernstar Richard Widmark („Alamo”) in einer seiner besten Rollen: Regisseur Delmer Daves, der selbst viele Jahre bei den Hopis und Navajos lebte, inszenierte sechs Jahre nach seinem Klassiker „Der gebrochene Pfeil” ein weiteres Meisterwerk des Genres Vor allem sein großartiger Hauptdarsteller und die beeindruckenden Landschaftsaufnahmen zeichnen diesen exzellenten Edelwestern aus.

Geheimkommando im Pazifik
UPC 4-028032-074789 | United States 1959 | 107 minutes | Polar Film
Der junge Leutnant Ken Braden (James Garner) wird nach einer Sonder-ausbildung zum Kampfschwimmer auf ein U-Boot kommandiert. Das wird von Kapitän Stevenson (Edmund O'Brien) befehligt. Ken soll den Geheimcode der Japaner an sich bringen, die die Insel Kusaie besetzen. Für seine gefährliche Mission hat er nur 18 Stunden Zeit...

Das nackte Gesicht
UPC 4-250124-342456 | United States 1984 | 105 minutes | HanseSound Musik und Film, Hollywood Classics, Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment
Als ein Patient des Chicagoer Psychiaters Dr. Judd Stevens (Roger Moore) auf offener Straße erstochen wird, muss Stevens sich den unbequemen Fragen des aggressiven Cops McGreavy und dessen Assistenten Angeli stellen. Kurz darauf wird auch noch Stevens' Sekretärin in der Praxis ermordet - offensichtlich suchte der Mörder nach bestimmten Unterlagen. Weil McGreavy den Psychiater als Mörder verdächtigt, beauftragt Stevens einen Privatdetektiv um den wahren Mörder zu finden.

Die Romanvorlage stammt von Sidney Sheldon. Durch die Präsenz von 007-Star Roger Moore, Oscar-Gewinner Rod Steiger, Elliott Gould und Anne Archer zählt dieser Film zu einem Klassiker, der in keinem Regal fehlen darf. Spannende Inszenierung besonders sehenswert.

Blutiger Freitag
UPC 4-250578-597709 | Germany 1972 | 102 minutes | Subkultur Entertainment, Media Target Distribution
Kurz vor seiner Verurteilung gelingt dem Verbrecher Heinz Klett die spektakuläre Flucht aus dem Gerichtsgebäude. Zusammen mit seinem Komplizen Luigi plant er einen Banküberfall, der alles zuvor in den Schatten stellen soll.

Luigis Freundin Heidi und ihr Bruder Christian schließen sich dem Duo an und gemeinsam setzen sie Kletts vermeintlich todsicheren Plan um, doch der anschließende Banküberfall eskaliert dramatisch: Auf brutale Weise hält Klett mehrere Geiseln gefangen und fordert ein Lösegeld in bislang nie dagewesener Höhe! Als sich die Leichenberge türmen, gibt die Polizei nach und zahlt die geforderte Summe, mit der sich die Gangster aus dem Staub machen.

Doch auch die Flucht verläuft nicht nach Plan und endet in einem bleihaltigen Showdown, aus dem es kein Entkommen gibt!

Die drei Supermänner räumen auf
UPC 4-260158-195751 | Germany 1967 | 90 minutes | Pidax film media, AL!VE
Zwei selbsternannte Supermänner, Tony und Nick, rauben in ihren Heldenkostümen Banken aus. Die Beute lassen sie einem Mädcheninternat zukommen. FBI-Agent Brad, der auf der Jagd nach einer Falschgeldbande ist, spannt die beiden im Kampf gegen die Bande ein. Hinter dieser steckt ein verbrecherischer Wissenschaftler, der mit einer geraubten Dupliziermaschine die Weltherrschaft anstrebt. Zu dritt gelingt es, dem Wahnsinn ein Ende zu bereiten.

Mit „Die drei Supermänner räumen auf“ präsentiert Pidax die lange gesuchten spaßigen Abenteuer der drei Supermänner. Neben den Kommissar-X-Stars Brad Harris und Tony Kendall agiert der Zirkuskünstler Nick Jordan als „fliegender Superheld“. Bei solchen Supermännern wird den Gegnern, Polizisten wie Gangstern, schwindelig. Die „Universal-Repro-Maschine“ eines Golems, der die Welt erobern will, wird in atemberaubenden Aktionen ausgeschaltet. Eine Actionszene folgt der anderen. Kämpfe, Explosionen, hübsche Miezen und dazu drei fliegende, lustige Supermänner. Für die leichtfüßige Gestaltung der Geschehnisse im Stile eines Comicstrips zeichnet der bewährte Kommissar-X-Regisseur Gianfranco Parolini aka „Frank Kramer“ verantwortlich. Hauptdarsteller Brad Harris attestiert ihm wie auch allen drei Hauptdarstellern bei diesem Film eine „sehr kindliche Fantasie“, und alle durften sich einmal richtig austoben. Die Fans kommen voll auf ihre Kosten.

The Shootist
UPC 5-014437-880932 | United States 1976 | 95 minutes | Paramount Home Entertainment
Afflicted with a terminal illness, John Bernard Brooks (JOHN WAYNE), the last of the legendary gunfighters, quietly returns to Carson City for medical attention from his old friend Dr. Hostetler (JAMES STEWART). Aware that his days are numbered, the troubled man seeks solace and peace in a boarding house run by a widow (LAUREN BACALL) and her son (RON HOWARD). However, it is not Brooks' fate to die in peace, as he becomes embroiled in one last valiant battle.

The Gold Rush
UPC 5-021866-156408 | United States 1942 | 72 minutes | Curzon Artificial Eye, MK2, Fusion Media Sales
The Gold Rush saw the highly anticipated return of the Little Tramp to the silver screen as he seeks his fortune in the hidden gold mines of Klondike. This logical ambition quickly becomes surreal, however, when another prospector, just as famished as he, begins mistaking the Little Tramp for a giant chicken.

In this world where shoelaces become spaghetti and bread rolls become ballet shoes, Chaplin, the alchemist, turns gold into visual poetry.

Jake Speed
UPC 5-027035-019116 | United States 1986 | 105 minutes | Arrow Video, Lakeshore Entertainment
When her sister is taken by a gang of white slavers, Margaret (Karen Kopins, Troop Beverly Hills) knows she needs a hero with a difference to bring her home. Enter Jake Speed (Wayne Crawford, Barracuda), leaping from the pages of pulp thriller novels and into the real world. With Margaret in tow and his trusty sidekick Desmond Floyd (Dennis Christopher, Chariots of Fire) in tow, Jake arrives hot on the heels of the kidnappers in a southern African country gripped by civil war. But it soon turns out Jake got more than he bargained for when he discovers that the ringleader of the slavers is none other than his own arch-nemesis: the wicked, criminally insane Sid John Hurt (Alien, The Osterman Weekend)...

A ripe slice of '80s action cheese in the tradition of Raiders of the Lost Ark and Romancing the Stone, Jake Speed has it all: romance, death-defying stunts, spellbinding scenery shot on location in Zimbabwe... and best of all, a wickedly off-the-wall performance by the late John Hurt, proving the old adage that a hero is nothing without a worthy foe.

Dark Blue
UPC 5-027035-019246 | United States 2002 | 118 minutes | Arrow Video
Kurt Russell (The Thing) gives a searing performance as an L.A. cop in this story of corruption from novelist James Ellroy (LA Confidential, The Black Dahlia) and David Ayer (Training Day).

Spring, 1992. Days before the trial on the Rodney King L.A. riots. Eldon Perry (Russell), a veteran in the LAPD s Special Investigations Unit struggles with the racially charged violence erupting around him and questions his own underhand methods for dealing with them.

Featuring a support cast of some of the finest character actors including Ving Rhames (Pulp Fiction), Brendan Gleeson (In Bruges) and Jonathan Banks (Breaking Bad) delivering classic hard-boiled dialogue wrapped in a powerhouse punch of direction from Ron Shelton (Bull Durham).

The Case of the Scorpion's Tail
UPC 5-027035-019291 | Italy 1971 | 95 minutes | Arrow Video
One of the major consequences of Western Europe's post-war Economic Miracle was the proliferation of international travel. Eager to tap into audiences' desire to experience the glamour of the jet set lifestyle, the popular filmmakers of the day rushed to make the most of the exotic locales at their disposal.

Arguably no other giallo captured this trend as vividly as The Case of the Scorpion's Tail. The film begins in London, where Lisa Baumer (Evelyn Stewart, The Psychic) learns that her husband has died in a freak plane accident. Summoned to Athens to collect his generous life insurance policy, she soon discovers that others besides herself are keen to get their hands on the money – and are willing to kill for it. Meanwhile, private detective Peter Lynch (George Hilton, The Strange Vice of Mrs Wardh) arrives to investigate irregularities in the insurance claim. Teaming up with a beautiful reporter, Cléo Dupont (Anita Strindberg, Your Vice is a Locked Room and Only I Have the Key), Lynch resolves to unearth the truth... before he too ends up on the wrong end of the murderer's straight razor.

The second giallo by genre master Sergio Martino (Torso, The Suspicious Death of a Minor), The Case of the Scorpion's Tail combines stunning views of Athens and the Greek coastline with brutal bursts of violence, a typically tangled script by Ernesto Gastaldi (Death Walks on High Heels), and a cast overflowing with Euro cult talent, including Alberto de Mendoza (A Lizard in a Woman's Skin), Janine Reynaud (Jess Franco's Succubus) and Luigi Pistilli (A Bay of Blood).

The Complete Sartana
UPC 5-027035-019314 | Italy 1968 | 480 minutes | Arrow Video
Clint Eastwood's Man with No Name spawned imitations, variations and shameless rip-offs keen to emulate his success at the box office. Within months of A Fistful of Dollars' release, Giuliano Gemma was playing Ringo, who was then followed by Franco Nero's Django, Tony Anthony's The Stranger and Gianni Garko's Sartana – each providing their own twist on the Eastwood antihero, and each of them then subject to their own spate of unofficial sequels, spoofs and cash-ins.

Sartana tapped into more than just his Spaghetti Western predecessors – a mysterious figure, he has a spectral quality, aided by his Count Dracula-like cloak which also nods towards comic strip figure Mandrake the Magician, with whom he shares he shares a penchant for card tricks. He takes pride in his appearance unlike the Eastwood's dusty wanderer or Nero's mud-caked drifter. And there's a dose of James Bond too in his fondness for gadgetry and the droll sense of humour.

Unsurprisingly, this unique figure in the genre was treated to four official follow-ups. The Complete Sartana collects all five films, presented here in brand-new restorations: If You Meet Sartana... Pray for Your Death, I Am Sartana, Your Angel of Death, Have a Good Funeral My Friend... Sartana Will Pay, Light the Fuse... Sartana Is Coming, and Sartana's Here... Trade Your Pistol for a Coffin, in which George Hilton replaced Garko in the lead role.

The Man Who Finally Died!
UPC 5-027626-390341 | United Kingdom 1962 | 96 minutes | Network, StudioCanal
British cinema icon Stanley Baker, cult favourite actor Peter Cushing and controversial actor/director Mai Zetterling feature among an impressive line-up for this British espionage thriller set in post-War Europe. The Man Who Finally Died is presented here in a brand-new transfer from the original film elements.

In London, jazz musician Joe Newman receives a startling telephone call: the caller is his German father, believed to have been killed in action twenty years ago! At the same time, a funeral is taking place in a quiet Bavarian town; the coffin bears the name of Kurt Deutsch, Joe's father. When he goes to Bavaria to investigate, Joe is sure that certain facts are being withheld. But his search for the truth proves more disturbing than he could have imagined…

Home at Seven
UPC 5-027626-413040 | United Kingdom 1952 | 82 minutes | Network, StudioCanal
Reprising his role in R.C. Sherriff's West End stage hit, Ralph Richardson stars as a staid London bank clerk whose inexplicable amnesia leaves him without an alibi in the aftermath of a murder; Jack Hawkins stars as his doctor, and Margaret Leighton his equally perplexed wife.

This 1952 suspense feature saw Richardson heading an outstanding cast, as well as taking on the mantle of director for the first and only time in his career, with Guy Hamilton (best known for Goldfinger and Diamonds Are Forever) as assistant director; the result is a taut, compelling and very human drama that retains a gripping sense of mystery right up to its conclusion. Home at Seven is presented here in a brand-new transfer from the original film elements.

When David Preston returns home at seven, his distraught wife tells him that he did not come home at seven - or at any other time - the previous evening. In fact, he has no idea where he could have been; he recalls nothing between the time he left the bank on Monday and his arrival home that following evening. His doctor is inclined at first to treat it lightly, but everything changes when it emerges that during Preston's 'lost day', a murder and robbery have taken place…

UPC 5-027626-818944 | United Kingdom 1971 | 91 minutes | Network
A hard-hitting psychological thriller, Assault stars Frank Finlay as a career policeman willing to employ unorthodox methods to catch a sleazy murderer and Suzy Kendall as a plucky teacher willing to put her life in jeopardy to help him do so. Tautly directed by Sidney Hayers, this controversial drama is presented here as a brand-new High Definition transfer remastered from the original 35mm camera negative.

When a schoolgirl rapist escalates to murder, Det. Chief Supt. Velyan faces an agonising choice when the girl's teacher – who saw the maniac in pursuit of his second victim – offers to put herself in harm's way in an effort to catch the killer!

The Changeling
UPC 5-028836-040880 | Canada 1980 | 107 minutes | Second Sight Films
Following the tragic death of his wife and daughter in a car crash, composer John Russell leaves the city and retires to an old mansion in the hope of rebuilding his life. The peace and quiet he craves is soon disturbed however. Unexplained noises are just the beginning. Convinced there is a supernatural presence in the house he enlists the help a local historian. What they uncover is more shocking than he could ever have imagined.

The Changeling is one of the most chilling and highly acclaimed horror films of all time.

Separate Tables
UPC 5-035673-013069 | United States 1958 | 100 minutes | BFI
Delbert Mann's 1958 classic MGM drama Separate Tables, based on a Terence Rattigan play and co-scripted by Rattigan himself, is a star-studded character study of a group of eccentric residents of a Bournemouth boarding house who all share a common trait — loneliness. Major Pollack (David Niven) hides a dark secret behind a polished military career; Sibyl Railton-Bell (Deborah Kerr), is a shy neurotic who lacks the courage to break away from her domineering mother; John Malcolm (Burt Lancaster) is a disenchanted writer who hides his bitterness in a pool of alcohol; and Ann Shankland (Rita Hayworth) is an ageing model whose narcissism masks her deep fear of growing old alone. In one emotional evening, these four unhappy misfits will bare their innermost secrets and change each other's lives forever.

Considered daring in its day due to its frank discussion of sexual topics, Separate Tables was nominated for seven Academy Awards®, and won for Best Actor (David Niven) and Best Supporting Actress (Wendy Hiller).

UPC 5-037899-047484 | United States 1978 | 79 minutes | 88 Films, Full Moon Features
A desert exploration leads to an explosive discovery for Billy - his own personal laser gun. Each time he fires the laser he begins to mutate into an alien. Billy terrorizes the town but it's only a matter of time before the aliens return to reclaim their weapon and his life. With Roddy McDowall and Keenan Wynn.

Samuel Fuller at Columbia 1937-1961
UPC 5-037899-071458 | United States 1937 | 528 minutes | Powerhouse Films
- Adventure in Sahara
- The Crimson Kimono
- It Happened in Hollywood
- Power of the Press
- Scandal Sheet
- Schockproof
- Underworld U.S.A.

The Greatest Showman
UPC 5-039036-082853 | United States 2017 | 105 minutes |
Hugh Jackman leads an all-star cast in this bold and original musical filled with infectious showstopping performances that will bring you to your feet time and time again. Inspired by the story of P.T. Barnum (Jackman) and celebrating the birth of show business, the film follows the visionary who rose from nothing to create a mesmerizing spectacle. This inspirational film also stars Zac Efron, Michelle Williams, Rebecca Ferguson and Zendaya.

Isle of Dogs
UPC 5-039036-083379 | United States 2018 | 96 minutes | Twentieth Century Fox
When, by executive decree, all the canine pets of Megasaki City are exiled to a vast garbage-dump called Trash Island, 12-year-old Atari sets off alone in a miniature Junior-Turbo Prop and flies across the river in search of his bodyguard-dog, Spots. There, with the assistance of a pack of newly-found mongrel friends, he begins an epic journey that will decide the fate and future of the entire Prefecture.

Reap the Wild Wind
UPC 5-050582-417982 | United States 1942 | 118 minutes | Universal Studios Home Entertainment
In this turbulent swashbuckler, Cecil B. DeMille presents a tale of daring piracy and hot-blooded love. 1840s Key West is filled with salvage businesses thriving on the cargo of wrecked ships. Ship owner Loxi Claiborne (Paulette Goddard) suspects salvager King Cutler (Raymond Massey) of foul play, since he's always first on the scene at a wreck. Meanwhile, Loxi's suitor, Captain Jack Stuart (John Wayne), is another suspect - at least to jealous lawyer Steve Tolliver (Ray Milland). Who will be found guilty - and how - hinges on some amazing developments. Along with its star-studded cast (including Robert Preston and Susan Hayward), this glorious sea spectacle has stars of another kind. There are huge clipper ships gliding in the mist, storms splintering them on the rocks, and a giant squid in a memorable underwater battle. Given DeMille's robust direction, it all adds up to an Oscar®* for Special Effects, and "a potent combination of the romantic, the sensational and the heroic in vivid Technicolor trappings." (Variety)

* Farciot Edouart, Gordon Jennings, William L. Pereira & Louis Mesenkop 1942 Best Special Effects, Reap the Wild Wind.

Wake of the Red Witch
UPC 5-050582-418170 | United States 1948 | 102 minutes | Universal Pictures (UK)
Sea Captain Rails (John Wayne) deliberately sinks his ship, the Red Witch, owned by the East Indies Trading Company. The investigation that ensues is halted by Sidney (Luther Alder), the powerful head of the company. Rails, with his partner, Sam Rosen (Gig Young), and mate, Ripper (Paul Fix), set out in an aged schooner for a South Sea Island lagoon, ostensibly to hunt for pearls. They are welcomed by Sidney. Sam soon becomes aware of the greed which motivates the lives of Rails and the trader. Seven years earlier the men conspired to take a fortune in pearls from the natives of a Polynesian island. The men now plan to salvage the treasure aboard the sunken Red Witch. The resulting operation tests the courage and greed of all men involved.

Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle
UPC 5-050629-306729 | United States 2017 | 119 minutes | Sony Pictures Home Entertainment
Four teenagers in detention discover an old video game console with a game they've never heard of. When they decide to play, they are immediately sucked into the jungle world of Jumanji in the bodies of their avatars (Dwayne Johnson, Jack Black, Kevin Hart, and Karen Gillan). They'll have to complete the adventure of their lives filled with fun, thrills and danger or be stuck in the game forever!

Rosemary's Baby
UPC 5-051368-245539 | United States 1968 | 137 minutes | Paramount Home Entertainment
Under ROMAN POLANSKI's chilling direction, a classic thriller is born. Rosemary (MIA FARROW) and Guy Woodhouse (JOHN CASSAVETES) are newlyweds, but Rosemary has no idea that her wedded bliss is about to come to a horrific end. Her husband's ambition as a struggling actor is about to plunge her into an abyss of terror like she has never known. In exchange for a taste of fame, Guy makes a deal with the devil that puts his wife and soul in jeopardy. When Rosemary becomes pregnant, her husband becomes odd, her neighbors (SIDNEY BLACKMER and Academy Award® winner RUTH GORDON) border on obsessive, and her normal life turns into a surreal nightmare. Slowly, she begins to realise that a seed of evil has been planted... and she is its host.

UPC 5-051890-300959 | United States 1970 | 111 minutes | Warner Home Video
Chisum präsentiert John Wayne am Ende seiner bemerkenswerten Karriere, die über 200 Kinorollen umfasst: Er spielt den historischen Rinderbaron John Chisum, der alles daran setzt, sein Reich gegen einen Bauunternehmer (Forrest Tucker) zu verteidigen, der alle Grundstücke der Umgebung aufkauft. Weil auch Wayne dafür bekannt war, kurzen Prozess zu machen, passt ihm diese Rolle wie angegossen, wenn er sich den Auseinandersetzungen stellt, die 1878 in New Mexico zum Krieg um das Lincoln County führten. „Ein typischer Wüsten-Western unter der kompetenten Regie von Andrew V. McLaglen und mit den herrlichen Bildern von Kameramann William H. Clothier” (The Warner Bros. Story). Chisum bietet Wayne genau jenes prächtige Western-Panorama, in dem er als Superstar so richtig die Fäuste schwingen kann.

Michael Collins
UPC 5-051892-197854 | United Kingdom 1996 | 132 minutes | Warner Home Video
The man is a hero whose fighting tactics became a model for other 20th-century struggles, a statesman who negotiated Ireland's break with England. a political martyr slain for the great cause he lived and breathed. 20 years on this film still stands the test of time.

Michael Collins roils with the passions of war furiously waged and peace desperately sought. Liam Neeson plays the title role. Aidan Quinn, Stephen Rea, Alan Rickman and Julia Roberts also deliver vivid performances. They, Director Neil Jordan and a superb behind-the-cameras team make Michael Collins a man and a movie you won't soon forget.

The Lost Boys
UPC 5-051892-217781 | United States 1987 | 97 minutes | Warner Home Video
Sam and his older brother Michael are average, everyday teens. But after they move with their mother to peaceful Santa Clara, California, things mysteriously begin to change. Michael's not himself lately. And Mom's not going to like what he's turning into.

The Lost Boys reshapes vampire tradition, deftly mixing heart-pounding terror, rib-tickling laughs and a body-gyrating rock soundtrack. Under Joel Schumacher's direction, a marvelous cast - Jason Patric, Jami Gertz, Kiefer Sutherland, Corey Feldman, Corey Haim, Barnard Hughes, Edward Herrmann and Dianne Wiest -stakes you to gleefully ghoulish entertainment.

Darkest Hour
UPC 5-053083-145422 | United States 2017 | 125 minutes | Universal Pictures
Gary Oldman gives the BAFTA and Academy Award® winning† "performance of a lifetime" (Empire) in acclaimed director Joe Wright's soaring drama DARKEST HOUR. As Hitler's forces storm across the European landscape and close in on the United Kingdom, Winston Churchill (Oldman) is elected the new Prime Minister. With his party questioning his every move, and King George VI (Ben Mendelsohn) sceptical of his new political leader, it is up to Churchill to lead his nation and protect them from the most dangerous threat ever seen. Also starring Academy Award® nominee† Kristin Scott Thomas and Lily James, DARKEST HOUR is "a triumph" (EVENT).

UPC 5-055201-827609 | Canada 2014 | 79 minutes | StudioCanal
Small time cop Lou Garou drinks too much, and when bad things happen he tends to look the other way.

One night, acting out of character, Lou follows up on a disturbance call in a remote area, but shortlt after he arrives on the scene, he blacks out. When he wakes up, he can't remember anything, his senses are heightened, and his hair is growing at a rapid rate. That night, Lou's transformation from man into rage-fuelled Werewolf takes shape.

Wolfcop is one cop's quest to become a better man... one transformation at a time.

Le Crime de Monsieur Lange
UPC 5-055201-840899 | France 1936 | 80 minutes | StudioCanal
One of Jean Renoir's lesser known films, Le Crime de Monsieur Lange is truly a hidden gem. This brand new restoration showcases the brilliance of the great French Director's social commentary, heavily influenced by the French political spirit of the 1930s. Monsieur Lange is a publishing house clerk who writes cheap Western novels in his spare time. When his untrustworthy boss, Batala avoids his debt collectors by pretending to be dead, Lange and his co-workers take over the business themselves and thrive on the popularity of Lange's pulp stories until Batala returns to demand his share of the profits.

No Way Out
UPC 5-060000-702989 | United States 1950 | 106 minutes | Eureka!
A pivotal early film in the wave of racially progressive dramas of the 1950s and 60s, Joseph L. Mankiewicz's No Way Out is an electrifying film-noir about a doctor whose ethics are put to the test when he comes into conflict with a racist criminal.

Dr. Luther Brooks (Sidney Poitier; The Defiant Ones) is assigned to treat two prisoners, the Biddle brothers, who were shot during an attempted robbery. Ray Biddle (Richard Widmark; Kiss of Death, Twilight's Last Gleaming) refuses to be treated by the black doctor, and when his brother John dies under Luther's care, Ray becomes consumed with vengeance. His anger and hatred ignites racial tensions within the community, and events quickly spiral out of control.

Released during the early days of the civil rights movement, No Way Out received critical acclaim but faced censorship for many years due to its incendiary nature. It has since been recognised as one of Joseph L. Mankiewicz's greatest filmmaking achievements. The Masters of Cinema Series is proud to present No Way Out for the first time ever on Blu-ray (and in its debut on UK home video) in a special Dual Format edition.

The Defiant Ones
UPC 5-060000-703009 | United States 1958 | 96 minutes | Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Studios, Eureka Entertainment, Park Circus
Nominated for nine Academy Awards® including Best Picture, Stanley Kramer’s The Defiant Ones broke new ground by delivering its message of racial tolerance through a fast-moving blend of action and suspense. It remains a raw, powerful film that is as exciting as it is moving, real and literate.

John "Joker" Jackson (Tony Curtis; The Vikings, Some Like It Hot) and Noah Cullen (Sidney Poitier; Guess Who's Coming to Dinner, In the Heat of the Night) are two convicts on the run. Escaping from a Southern work gang, the two men are bound together by an unbreakable iron chain and separated by an unbridled hatred towards each other. Relentlessly pursued by a bloodthirsty posse, they must put aside their differences if they are going to survive.

Highly acclaimed upon release for its directing, writing, cinematography and acting, (Sidney Poitier won numerous awards for his role, including the coveted Silver Bear for Best Actor) The Defiant Ones remains one of the most influential films of its era, and Eureka Classics is proud to present the film on Blu-ray for the first time in the UK in a special Dual Format edition.

Police Story & Police Story 2
UPC 5-060000-703016 | Hong Kong 1985 | 202 minutes | Eureka Entertainment
Two of Jackie Chan’s most iconic films explode onto Blu-ray from incredible new 4K restorations! Featuring some of the most dangerous stunts ever performed on camera, Police Story and Police Story 2 are a dazzling blend of gritty action cop drama and impeccably choreographed martial-arts sequences that revitalized the Hong Kong action genre and established Jackie Chan as a worldwide superstar.

Police Story – considered by Jackie Chan himself to be his best film in terms of pure action, Police Story stars Chan as “super cop” Chan Ka-Kui, who goes up against a notorious crime lord in a series of escalating set-pieces that resulted in many of Jackie’s stunt team being hospitalised.

Police Story 2 – Demoted to traffic cop after the events of the first film, Chan Ka-Kui is reinstated to the detective unit when a deadly gang of explosive experts blow up a building and threaten to blow up more if their demands are not met. Featuring yet more bravura stunt work, and even more injuries to its cast and crew, Police Story 2 is to this day considered one of the best action films ever made.

Birdman of Alcatraz
UPC 5-060000-703047 | United States 1962 | 149 minutes | Eureka Entertainment
Often acknowledged as one of the best prison films ever made, Birdman of Alcatraz was director John Frankenheimer's first huge success and received rave reviews for its performances, cinematography (by the great Burnett Guffey; From Here to Eternity, Bonnie and Clyde) and Frankenhener's directing.

Burt Lancaster stars as the notorious prisoner, Robert Stroud, sentenced to a life of solitary confinement for murdering a prison guard. When he finds an injured sparrow in the prison yard, Stroud nurses it back to health and discovers a new calling in life. Over the years he becomes a renowned ornithologist, and even a respected author, achieving a greater sense of purpose behind prison walls than many in the outside world will ever know.

With an all-star cast that includes Karl Malden (A Streetcar Named Desire), Thelma Ritter (Pickup on South Street), Telly Savalas (The Dirty Dozen) and Edmond O'Brien (The Barefoot Contessa), The Masters of Cinema Series is proud to present John Frankenheimer's Birdman of Alcatraz for the first time on Blu-ray in the UK.

Ghost Ship
UPC 5-060034-579069 | United Kingdom 1952 | 72 minutes | Optimum Releasing, Studio Canal
Hazel Court (Masque of the Red Death, The Raven) and Dermot Walsh (Make Mine a Million, The Straw Man) star as a young couple who decide to buy a luxury steamboat for a romantic getaway. They think that they've found the perfect boat, and scoff at warnings that it's haunted.

Despite their initial incredulity they are gradually convinced that there is something strange going on in their new love-nest and bring in a paranormal expert to investigate, who uncovers a horrifying secret about the boat's previous owners....

The Night Walker
UPC 5-060057-211687 | United States 1964 | 82 minutes | Final Cut Entertainment
Barbara Stanwyck and Robert Taylor star in this William Castle thriller about a wealthy widow who is haunted by her husband and seduced by a handsome stranger - all in her dreams! Dreams so real that she is trapped in an eerie world existing between fact and fantasy. There is no one she can turn to. No one she can trust. Not even herself!

One of the notorious films of Castle's career, The Night Walker is liable to give you a case of insomnia you may never recover from!

UPC 5-060105-726194 | United Kingdom 2018 | 95 minutes | Altitude
Spitfire is an epic, sweeping tale of determination, vision, and courage. It is the story of an aircraft that was forged in competition, shaped as the war clouds gathered, and refined in the white heat of combat.

Credited with changing the course of world history, this is the story of the Spitfire told in the words of the last-surviving combat veterans, with stunning aerial footage from the world's top aviation photographer. Her place in history assured, Spitfire also explores how this extraordinary plane thrives today and how it has become an international icon.

Lady Frankenstein
UPC 5-060110-270484 | Italy 1971 | 99 minutes | Nucleus Films
It's monster a-go-go up at the castle when Baron Frankenstein and his laboratory assistant, Dr. Charles Marshall, stitch together a creature using body parts supplied by shifty local grave robbers. When they rashly insert a killer's damaged brain into the monstrosity's skull and bring it to life, it crushes the Baron to death and goes on the rampage. Tania, Frankenstein's glamorous daughter, teams up with Charles to continue her father's crackpot experiments. The two fall in love and transplant the aging lab assistant's cerebrum into the body of a hunky servant. Meanwhile, the first monster stalks the countryside, seeking bloody revenge on the bodysnatchers who exhumed the raw materials for its miscreation. It eventually goes after Charles and Tania, but will its brute strength triumph against the seductive wiles of lusty Lady Frankenstein?

Directed by Mel Welles, this twisted gothic tale stars Rosalba Neri (THE DEVIL'S WEDDING NIGHT) as the surgeon whose strange desires could only be satisfied by the monster she made. The legendary Joseph Cotten carries on the curse of Frankenstein as the obsessed Baron, and the cast is fleshed out by Euro-cult regulars Paul Muller (NIGHTMARE CASTLE) and Mickey Hargitay (BLOODY PIT OF HORROR).

See LADY FRANKENSTEIN like never before, stunningly resurrected from the original negatives in a brand new 2K restoration. We are very proud to present the complete and restored director's cut, plus the American theatrical versions packed with bonus special features!

Death Laid an Egg
UPC 5-060110-270491 | Italy 1968 | 104 minutes | Nucleus Films
From Giulio Questi, acclaimed director of DJANGO, KILL! (IF YOU LIVE SHOOT!) comes one of the most startling and shocking Italian thrillers you will ever see. It craftily subverts conventions and transcends its genre roots with a tale of genetically modified meat, greed and murder at a rural poultry farm!

Anna (Gina Lollobrigida, TRAPEZE, BEAT THE DEVIL) and Marco (Jean-Louis Trintignant, THE CONFORMIST, TRANS-EUROP-EXPRESS) run an automated state-of-the-art facility and develop a strain of boneless, mutant chickens.

Marco appears to lead a double life as a serial killer who specialises in stabbing prostitutes to death. When Anna's amorous and alluring cousin Gabri (Ewa Aulin, CANDY, DEATH SMILES ON A MURDERER) starts a steamy affair with Marco and discovers his darker side, she plans to murder Anna and frame Marco for the crime... Compellingly crafted, brilliant and bizarre, this is a one-of-a-kind murder mystery. It boasts a thematic depth and richness - including a savage and subversive attack on the established order - that elevates it above and beyond Italian genre cinema of the era.

This COMPLETE AND RESTORED DIRECTOR'S CUT, a home video WORLD PREMIERE, has been painstakingly restored and remastered in high-definition from the original negatives. Nucleus Films are proud to present DEATH LAID AN EGG alongside the alternate "giallo" version, together with a treasure trove of bonus special features in the definitive release of Questi's masterpiece of mystery and murder most fowl!

Yor: The Hunter From the Future
UPC 683904-633040 | Italy 1983 | 89 minutes | Mill Creek Entertainment
It is before the dawn of time. Strange, savage beasts roam the earth, foraging for human flesh. Fierce tribesmen prey on the weak and innocent. Mystic sacrifices appease the gods.YOR (Reb Brown, TV's Captain America) is the mightiest warrior of his era. But his own past and true identity are shrouded in the mists of time. His only clue is a golden medallion around his neck which leads him to a beautiful princess (Corinne Cléry, Moonraker) held prisoner in a forbidden city. Armed to the teeth, Yor sets off on a quest, ready to blast away all manner of terrifying creatures along the way.

UPC 738329-175320 | United States 1974 | 92 minutes | Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Studios, Kino Lorber
Newly Re-mastered in HD! Meet the long and short of L.A.'s vice squad... Keneely (Elliott Gould, The Long Goodbye) is the lanky one... Farrel (Robert Blake, In Cold Blood) is the short one... they may not be the best cops in town, but they sure are the toughest. Stand by for plenty of action in this fast-paced thriller that marked the impressive debut of writer and director Peter Hyams who later went on to make Capricorn One, Outland and Running Scared. Gould and Blake play a pair of Los Angeles cops who find themselves in a bitter conflict with their corrupt superiors as they wage a two-men war against crime czar Carl Rizzo (Allen Garfield, The Organization). And even when they re demoted after a hair-raising shootout, the two dedicated cops are ready to break every rule in the book to bring their quarry to justice. The stellar cast includes Antonio Fargas (Across 110th Street), Michael Lerner (Barton Fink), Sid Haig (Pit Stop), Cornelia Sharpe (Serpico) and William Sylvester (2001: A Space Odyssey).

Killer Force
UPC 738329-179625 | Ireland 1976 | 101 minutes | Kino Lorber
It's dog eat dog in the deadly world of international diamond smuggling, where anything – life, love, or money – can be bought or taken. Enter a life of nonstop tension and action as ruthless diamond syndicate security officer Harry Webb (Telly Savalas, The Dirty Dozen, Birdman of Alcatraz, TV's Kojak) ruthlessly pursues Mike Bradley (Peter Fonda, Easy Rider, Dirty Mary Crazy Larry, 92 In The Shade), his co-worker who unwillingly becomes involved in a operation of illicit plundering in the major mines of South Africa. Bradley comes face to face with a group of merciless mercenaries including O.J. Simpson (Firepower, The Naked Gun), Christopher Lee (The Lord of the Rings and the Star Wars series), and Hugh O'Brian (Game of Death, The Shootist). It's a battle to the death as Webb uses his Killer Force to eliminate all that stand in the way of his prey, climaxing in a perilous final desert pursuit that will leave you breathless. Maud Adams (Octopussy) also stars in this all-star action thriller directed by Val Guest (The Day The Earth Caught Fire), now in a brand new HD master!

UPC 738329-211196 | United States 1975 | 106 minutes | Kino Lorber, Paramount Home Entertainment
From the makers of the highly successful Walking Tall comes the ultimate story of revenge. Joe Don Baker (Charley Varrick) plays a gambler who is framed for a crime he did not commit. A corrupt legal system leads him into a plea bargain and four years behind bars. By the time he gets out of prison, he's determined to put together the pieces of his frame-up and dole out the justice he was denied to those responsible. Framed comes out swinging with two-fisted action that will have you cheering as some of cinema's most loathsome villains get what's coming to them. Cult great Phil Karlson (99 River Street, Hornets' Nest) directed this action-packed thriller that features a top-notch cast that includes Conny Van Dyke (W.W. and the Dixie Dancekings), John Marley (The Godfather), Brock Peters (Soylent Green), John Larch (Dirty Harry), Paul Mantee (Wolf Lake), Red West (Road House) and Roy Jenson (Breakheart Pass).

Return of Sabata
UPC 738329-214654 | Italy 1971 | 100 minutes | Kino Lorber
The man with gunsight eyes is back and this time, he's judge, jury and executioner. The great Lee Van Cleef (Death Rides a Horse, Barquero) returns as the famous freewheeling gunslinger Sabata. This third and final go-round for the
enigmatic sharpshooter who administers a unique brand of justice in the American West in the years following the Civil War finds Sabata in the role of victim. Sabata's skills as a gambler and thief are unparalleled. However, when a shifty band of desperadoes bilks him out of $5,000, he wants revenge. Legendary producer Alberto Grimaldi (The Good, the Bad and the Ugly) and director Gianfranco Parolini (Sabata, We Are No Angels) took the Sabata series to another level, delivering the best and most action-packed film in the trilogy.

The Wilby Conspiracy
UPC 738329-216139 | United Kingdom 1975 | 106 minutes | Kino Lorber, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Studios, Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment
Screen giants Sidney Poitier (In the Heat of the Night) and Michael Caine (The Holcroft Covenant) ignite the screen as two very different men suddenly bound together and running for their lives in this suspenseful and politically pertinent chase thriller set in South Africa's powder keg of racial strife. When anti-apartheid activist Shack Twala (Poitier) is freed from prison, he quickly runs into trouble with the police. British engineer Keogh (Caine) helps Twala elude a sadistic government official (Nicol Williamson, Excalibur), but as both men, now fugitives, race 900 miles to cross the border to safety, they are drawn into a conspiracy much bigger and deadlier than they realize. Veteran filmmaker Ralph Nelson (Lilies of the Field) directed this top-notch action film co-starring the great Rutger Hauer (Blade Runner) in his first English-speaking role.

The Diabolical Dr. Z
UPC 738329-228620 | France 1966 | 87 minutes | Kino Lorber, Redemption
A stylish medical-horror thriller that brings to mind the work of Georges Franju and David Cronenberg, The Diabolical Dr. Z is a vitally important film in the horror cinema's transition from spooky scares to a more dreamy and erotic variety that would become the signature of Spanish-born filmmaker Jess Franco. Mabel Karr stars as Irma Zimmer, the daughter of a visionary scientist (Antonio Jimenez Escribano) who has developed a morbid system of mind control. After the slightly mad doctor's death, Irma carries on her father's work, and uses a telepathically-controlled exotic dancer with poisoned fingernails (Estella Blain) as an instrument of revenge upon three doctors who mocked Dr. Z's theories. But can Irma eliminate the names on her hit list before a pair of detectives (played by Franco and the film's composer, Daniel White) expose her plot?

UPC 751778-951086 | Italy 1987 | 107 minutes | Scorpion Releasing
When young opera singer Betty (Cristina Marsillach, Every Time We Say Goodbye) takes over the leading role in an avant-garde presentation of Verdi's Macbeth, she triggers the madness of a crazed fan who repeatedly forces her to watch the brutal murders of her friends. Will her recurring childhood nightmare hold the key to the identity of this psychopath, or does an even more horrific evil lay waiting in the wings?

Legendary horror maestro Dario Argento (Deep Red, Suspiria, Inferno, Tenebrae) delivers a savagely stunning thriller featuring some of the most shocking sequences of the maestro's entire career. Also starring Ian Charlston (Chariots Of Fire), Umberto Barberini (Demons), Daria Nicolodi (Shock, Deep Red), and William McNamara (Copycat), this dazzling masterpiece soars to untold heights of terror with a brand new 2k scan!

UPC 760137-116486 | United States 2006 | 94 minutes | MVD Visual
It has been sighted 42,000 times in 68 countries, a vicious creature of myth and legend called Sasquatch, Yeti, and perhaps most infamously, Bigfoot. It's been hunted for years. But what happens when it decides to hunt us?

After recovering from a horrific accident, paraplegic Preston Rogers moves back into the remote cabin where he and his now-deceased wife once lived. When his new neighbor Karen, is attacked by a gigantic creature, Rogers contacts the local authorities. But after the police and those around him dismiss Rogers as a delusional widower, he sets out to stop the abominable creature himself. Featuring an all-star cast that includes Matt McCoy (L.A. Confidential) Jeffrey Combs (Re-Animator), Paul Gleason (The Breakfast Club), Rex Linn (Django Unchained), Haley Joel (Tony 'n' Tina's Wedding), Phil Morris (Seinfeld), Dee Wallace Stone (E.T., Cujo), Tiffany Shepis (Victor Crowley) and Lance Henriksen (Aliens) in this wild and gruesome throwback horror shocker that Fangoria called ''the best serious fright film ever made about Bigfoot!''

Originally shot on 35mm, Abominable makes it HD debut featuring a brand-new high-definition transfer from the original camera negative, an ALL-NEW cut of the film with improved CGI-effects overseen by director Ryan Schifrin and editor Chris Conlee, and enhanced color timing and correction in this fully loaded collector's edition set!

Lo strangolatore di Baltimora
UPC 8-017229-461033 | United States 1966 | 95 minutes | Sinister Film
Jason Cravatte (Patrick O'Neal) è un assassino che riesce a sfuggire all'impiccagione, ma, nel farlo, perde una mano. Incurante della perdita, si rimette all'opera a Baltimora seguendo la sua vocazione di strangolatore di donne. Ma Anthony Draco e Harold Blount (Cesare Danova e Wilfrid Hyde-White), che gestiscono una sorta di museo degli orrori, si interessano al caso e cominciano a indagare. Film crudo e violento che si avvale della brillante interpretazione di Wilfrid Hyde-White e di quella molto intensa di Patrick O'Neal nel ruolo principale.

The Sentinel
UPC 826663-159448 | United States 1977 | 92 minutes | Shout! Factory
When a beautiful model, Alison Parker (Cristina Raines, Nashville, The Duellists), rents an apartment in a gloomy New York brownstone, little does she realize an unspeakable horror awaits her behind its doors... mysterious gateway to hell. Alison likes her eccentric new neighbors, so it comes as a shock when she's told that, except for a strange old priest, she's the only tenant.

Based on Jeffrey Konvitz's best-selling novel, this contemporary gothic chiller features amazing special makeup effects by the legendary Dick Smith (The Exorcist, Little Big Man) and an incredible assemblage of stars including Chris Sarandon, Ava Gardner, José Ferrer, John Carradine, Burgess Meredith, Beverly D'Angelo, Jerry Orbach, Jeff Goldblum, Tom Berenger and Christopher Walken. Director Michael Winner (Death Wish) comes up with something to terrify everyone in this spine-tingling exercise in supernatural horror.

Never Too Young to Die
UPC 826663-174373 | United States 1986 | 97 minutes | Shout! Factory
A once-in-a-lifetime cast rocks the silver screen in director Gil Bettman's masterpiece of cult cinema, Never TooYoung To Die.

When a top secred agent  (George Lazenby, On Her Majesty's Secret Service) is murdered, his estranged gymnast son Lance Stargrove (John Stamos, Full House) teams up with his dad's seductive and deadly associate, Danja Deering (Vanity, The Last Dragon) to face his father's killer...the fiendish mastermind Velvet Von Ragnar (Gene Simmons, the fiendish mastermind behind Rock & Roll Hall Of Fame Inductee KISS.) The hermaphroditic heel is hell-bent on a scheme to poison the city's water supply — and it's up to Stargrove to crush Velvet once and for all!

Never Too Yount To Die also featuress Peter Kwong (Big Trouble in Little China), Robert England (A Nightmare On Elm Street, duh), and enough leather-clad mohawked henchmen to fill a dozen Road Warrior knock-offs. You thing you've seen it all? It's never too late to see Never Too Young To Die!

The Ambulance
UPC 826663-184808 | United States 1990 | 96 minutes | Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Studios, Shout! Factory
One minute Josh Baker (Eric Roberts, The Human Centipede III: Final Sequence, The Dark Knight) is meeting the woman of his dreams. The next, he's watching her whisked away by a mysterious ambulance that never arrives at the local hospital. Doubted by the police, Josh is forced to carry on a one-man crusade that leads to a discovery more frightening than his worst fears. This non-stop ride filled with action, suspense and heart-stopping thrills comes from cult filmmaker Larry Cohen (The Stuff, It's Alive, Q: The Winged Serpent) and features an all-star cast including James Earl Jones (the Star Wars films), Red Buttons (The Poseidon Adventure) and Stan Lee!

Memoirs of an Invisible Man
UPC 826663-188738 | United States 1992 | 99 minutes | Warner Bros. Home Entertainment, Shout! Factory
Just a quick nap and weary stock analyst Nick Halloway is sure he'll emerge as good as new. Instead, he wakes up as good as gone. Vanished. A nuclear accident has made Nick ... invisible!

The laughs and visual effects are out of sight when Chevy Chase headlines Memoirs Of An Invisible Man. Invisibility makes it easier to spy on agents (particularly chief adversary Sam Neill) who've put him in his predicament. And he can romance a lovely documentary producer (Daryl Hannah) in a way she's never "seen" before. John Carpenter (Halloween, The Thing) directs and Industrial Light and Magic create eye-opening effects as Nick embarks on his manic quest. Seeing is believing!

Les Demoiselles de Rochefort
UPC 8-809154-139367 | France 1967 | 121 minutes | Opening Distribution
Delphine and Solange are two sisters living in Rochefort. Delphine is a dancing teacher and Solange composes and teaches the piano. Maxence is a poet and a painter. He is doing his military service. Simon owns a music shop, he left Paris once month ago to come back where he fell in love 10 years ago. They are looking for love, looking for each other, without being aware that their ideal partner is very close... A film whose scenario is much less important than its feeling of euphory, according to the director Jacques Demy.

The World, the Flesh and the Devil
UPC 883316-299814 | United States 1959 | 95 minutes | Warner Home Video, Turner Entertainment Company
“Millions Flee from Cities! End of the World!” From a Manhattan skyscraper, Ralph Burton (Harry Belafonte) surveys the emptiness announced by that chilling newspaper headline. Nuclear doomsday has come. Ralph is sure he is the last person alive. Then a woman (Inger Stevens) appears and the two form a cautious friendship that’s threatened when a third survivor (Mel Ferrer) arrives. Unlike other post-apocalyptic thrillers from The Time Machine to I Am Legend, there are no external monsters to battle here. Instead, the monsters – fear, intolerance, jealousy – lurk inside the all-too-human human beings. And heightening the intensity of writer/director Ranald MacDougall’s suspenseful and unsettling movie are stunning vistas of an unpopulated New York: vast, empty and soulless.

Mutiny on the Bounty
UPC 883929-189724 | United States 1962 | 185 minutes | Warner Home Video
1787. HMS Bounty sets out on a journey through perilous seas to a tropical paradise...and into history as one of the most ill-fated vessels in naval lore. Lewis Milestone (All Quiet on the Western Front) directs this color drenched spectacular nominated for seven Academy Awards®* including Best Picture. Filmed before in 1935 and again in 1984's The Bounty, the gripping story centers on first officer Fletcher Christian (Marlon Brando), a dandy transformed into a man of action, and Capt. William Bligh (Trevor Howard), uncompromising in his command or his cruelty. "Fear is [my] best weapon," Bligh proclaims. But it's also the most costly, driving men to desperation and mutiny. Richard Harris, Hugh Griffith and Richard Haydn also star in this epic adventure.

*Other 1962 Nominations: Best Color Art Direction/Set Decoration, Color Cinematography, Film Editing, Music Score/Substantially Original (Bronislau Kaper), Song (Love Song from Mutiny on the Bounty [Follow Me]) and Special Effects.

Special Effects
UPC 887090-128711 | United States 1984 | 106 minutes | Olive Films
From the writer & director of It's Alive, Larry Cohen's Special Effects casts a satirical eye on Hollywood, viewed through the prism of the thriller film genre. When the fresh-faced Oklahoma country boy Keefe (Brad Rijn, Smithereens) comes looking for his wife Mary Jean (Zoe Tamerlis, Ms .45), a wannabe actress using the name Andrea, he soon discovers the seamy side of Tinsel Town when Mary Jean is found dead and he's the prime suspect.

With a few swipes of Hollywood archetypes (Eric Bogosian as Christopher Neville, a once-revered Wunderkind director; Zoe Tamerlis as Mary Jean look-alike, Elaine, a budding actress who isn't beyond manipulating the situation for her own benefit), Special Effects offers chills, thrills, shrieks, and a few laughs along the way.

Written and directed by Larry Cohen, Special Effects also stars Kevin O'Connor (Let's Scare Jessica to Death) and Richard Greene (TV's Mad Men) in supporting roles.

Hell on Frisco Bay
UPC 888574-535520 | United States 1955 | 98 minutes | Warner Bros. Entertainment, Warner Bros. Home Entertainment
Screen icon Alan Ladd produces and stars in this crime spectacle, shot on location in noir central – San Francisco. Steve Rollins (Ladd) is both ex-cop and ex-con, recently sprung from the stir. Spurning both love (Joanne Dru, as a songstress spouse who strayed) and friendship (William Demarest as his ex-police partner), Steve has one quest: Kill whoever set him up for murder, or die trying. Blending adult drama, detective story and noir, Hell on Frisco Bay is a cinema stew that's heavy on the savor and the flavor. thanks to its colorful CinemaScope and a top-notch supporting ensemble. Heading that ensemble is Edward G. Robinson, delivering one of his most unforgettable mobsters, the utterly repulsive and remorseless Vic Amato. Fay Wray nearly steals the show as a faded screen queen, while Paul Stewart serves up one of his finest performances as Joe Lye, Amato's hired killer with a conscience.

Celtic Thunder X
UPC 889854-998899 | Ireland 2018 | 98 minutes | Legacy

4 MUCH TOO YOUNG (To Feel This Damn Old)
11 L-O-V-E

Hammer Horror: The Warner Bros Years
UPC Disc ID: DD8A-7760-E66C-3C3D | United States 2018 | 102 minutes | Diabolique Films
The untold story of Hammer at Warner Bros, and the relationship that produced some of the British company's finest films!

The fascinating story of the classic Hammer films from Warner Bros is finally told in this unprecedented 90-minute documentary feature, Hammer Horror: The Warner Bros Years. Featuring exclusive interviews with some of the key players from that period, as well as authors and historians like Sir Christopher Frayling and Jonathan Rigby. Also included are rare production stills, previously unseen film footage, Hammers original shooting locations, and access to previously unpublished archive documents.

The "Marathon" reviews / Re: My Blu-Ray Reviews
« on: June 11, 2018, 12:15:24 AM »
I may have to rewatch Con Air as well. It's been 12 yaers since I watched it. I especially remember Steve Buscemi being wonderfully creepy. He's good at that.

TV Series / Re: Bones - Spoiler
« on: June 06, 2018, 11:57:41 PM »
Bones blues...

I have been rewatching Bones on Netflix, and half way through season seven I have come upon that hopeless character Pelant. After checking IMDb I now realize that it isn't until season 11 that the show is guaranteed Pelant free. So should I skip 3 1/2 seasons and go directly to season 11, or just give up right here?

One might say that Bones "jumped the shark" right here. Or rather fell right into the shark's jaws. Sad!

The Collector's Place / Re: What'ya got 2018
« on: June 04, 2018, 02:54:04 PM »
Peter Gunn: Season One
UPC 011301-649669 | United States 1958 | 988 minutes | Shout! Factory
Before Miami Vice, before Law And Order, the coolest and most sophisticated TV detective was definitely Peter Gunn, created and produced by Blake Edwards (The Pink Panther, SOB).

Set in a nameless waterfront city, the series features stylish film noir cinematography and a stylish musical score written by Henry Mancini, whose "The Peter Gunn Theme" won an Emmy Award and two Grammys®. In fact, Peter Gunn was the first TV show featuring modern jazz for a soundtrack. Edwards himself directed many episodes, as did an impressive roster of Hollywood's best TV directors, including Robert Altman.

Craig Stevens plays Gunn, Pete to his friends, a handsome, suave detective tough enough to take on the hardest of hard cases, but a soft touch when it comes to the ladies. His girlfriend, the gorgeous singer Edie Hart (Lola Albright) is the featured singer at 'Mothers', a smoke-filled jazz club used by Gunn as his unofficial office. Other regulars at the club include a colorful cast of musicians, pool hustlers, artists and a sculptor. His standard fee is $1,000.00, and his reputation keeps the customers lined up for his services, sometimes referred by Mother (Hope Emerson, Season One; Minerva Urecal, Seasons Two and Three), or his police buddy Lt. Jacoby (Herschel Bernardi). A man with expensive tastes, Peter Gunn drives a stylish two-tone Plymouth Fury Convertible, equipped with a mobile phone!

So settle into your favorite easy chair, dim the lights, and enjoy this classic series, one of the best TV detective shows ever!

Doris Day: A Sentimental Journey
UPC 030306-706290 | United States 1991 | 54 minutes | MPI Home Video
One of the brightest and most beloved stars in Hollywood history, DOR1S DAY began her legendary career as a Big Band singer in the 1940s before famed film director Michael Curtiz signed her to Warner Brothers where she made her motion picture debut in 1948 with Romance On The High Seas and performed the Oscar-nominated classic It's Magic.

DORIS DAY became box-office magic throughout the 1950s and 1960s, ultimately becoming America's most popular actress with movies such as Calamity Jane, The Man Who Knew Too Much, Love Me Or Leave Me, The Pajama Game, Please Don’t Eat The Daisies and The Thrill Of It All. Teaming with Rock Hudson for a trio of big screen comedies earned Doris an Oscar nomination for the iconic Pillow Talk.

A Grammy Award Lifetime Achievement recipient, Doris’ hit records include Que Sera, Sera (Whatever Will Be, Will Be), Secret Love, When I Fall In Love, Everybody Loves A Lover and Sentimental Journey. In the late 1960s, Day moved to television with the top ten series The Doris Day Show followed by music specials in the 1970s and Doris Day's Best Friends in the 1980s. After retiring from show business, Day hos devoted the past few decades to her first love with The Doris Day Animal Foundation.

DORIS DAY – A SENTIMENTAL JOURNEY details the actress-singer's dramatic life story and career highlights, guided by Doris along with famous friends (Betty White, Clint Eastwood) and admirers (noted film critics Roger Ebert and Molly Haskell). Also featured is rare footage and archival materials from Day's personal collection.

We're No Angels
UPC 032429-283030 | United States 1955 | 105 minutes |

Abrechnung in San Franzisko
UPC 4-020628-816933 | Italy 1976 | 103 minutes | Koch Media
„James Bond" Roger Moore und „Mike Hammer " Stacy Keach - ein unschlagbares Team in einem hervorragend inszenierten Actioner, der die Handschrift von „French Connection“-Autor Ernest Tidyman trägt. Ein Film aus der Blütezeit des 70er-Jahre Crime-Kinos, dem es nicht an halsbrecherischen Verfolgungsjagden, schlagfertigen Protagonisten, gefährlichen Frauen und beatlastigen Hymnen mangelt.

Anwalt Ulysses (Roger Moore), Neffe eines berüchtigten sizilianischen Mafia-Bosses, soll den Drahtzieher eines Heroinschmuggels in San Franzisko stellen. Hilfe holt er sich bei seinem Kumpel Charlie (Stacy Keach), einem wenig zimperlichen Profi-Rennfahrer.

Death Smiles on a Murderer
UPC 5-027035-019017 | Italy 1973 | 85 minutes | Arrow Video
A haunting and dreamlike gothic horror/giallo hybrid, Death Smiles on a Murderer is a compelling early work from the legendary sleaze and horror film director Joe D'Amato (Anthropophagus, Emanuelle in America), here billed under his real name Aristide Massaccesi.

Set in Austria in the early 1900s, Death Smiles on a Murderer stars Ewa Aulin, (Candy, Death Laid an Egg) as Greta, a beautiful young woman abused by her brother Franz (Luciano Rossi, Death Walks in High Heels, The Conformist) and left to die in childbirth by her illicit lover, the aristocrat Dr. von Ravensbrück (Giacomo Rossi Stuart, Kill, Baby... Kill!). Bereft with grief, Franz reanimates his dead sister using a formula engraved on an ancient Incan medallion. Greta then returns as an undead avenging angel, reaping revenge on the Ravensbrück family and her manically possessive brother.

Presented here in a stunning 2K restoration, D Amato's film is a stately and surreal supernatural mystery which benefits from an achingly mournful score by Berto Pisano, several shocking scenes of gore, and a typically sinister performance from Klaus Kinski as a morbid doctor.

The Persuaders!: Complete Series
UPC 5-027626-368944 | United Kingdom 1971 | 1300 minutes | Network, Granada Ventures
Two millionaire playboys - one a peer of the realm, born into money, and the other a self-made man who fought his way out of the New York slums - are conned by a retired judge into righting wrongs in a series that combines action, style, humour and panache in large quantities!

Regarded by many as the finest of Lew Grade's ITC film series, The Persuaders! stars Roger Moore and Tony Curtis as the mismatched playboys with an eye for the ladies and a penchant for landing themselves in trouble.

Sherlock Holmes in New York
UPC 5-037899-066225 | United States 1976 | 1976 minutes | Signal One Entertainment

UPC 5-050582-776218 | United States 1960 | 109 minutes | Universal Pictures
After 50 years the ultimate nightmare returns in stunning high definition on Blu-ray, with superior picture, spine-chilling sound plus a host of extras. More chilling than ever before, Alfred Hitchcock's landmark masterpiece of the macabre stars Anthony Perkins as the troubled Norman Bates, whose old dark house and adjoining motel are not the place to spend a quiet evening. No one knows that better than Marion Crane (Janet Leigh), the ill-fated traveller whose journey ends in the notorious shower scene. First a private detective (Martin Balsam), then Marion's sister (Vera Miles) search for her as the horror and suspense mount to a terrifying climax where the mysterious killer is finally revealed.

The Commuter
UPC 5-055201-838490 | United States 2018 | 104 minutes | StudioCanal
Liam Neeson (Taken) and Jaume Collet-Serra (The Shallows) team up after RUN ALL NIGHT and NON-STOP for an exhilarating race-against-time thrill ride with explosive twists around every bend.

Insurance salesman Michael (Neeson) is on his daily commute home when he is contracted by a mysterious stranger (Vera Farmiga, The Conjuring, The Departed), and forced to uncover the identity of a hidden passenger on his train before the last stop. As he works against the clock to solve the puzzle, he realises a deadly plan is unfolding and is unwittingly caught up in a criminal conspiracy. One that carries life and death stakes, for himself and his fellow passengers.

This Is Cinerama
UPC 617311-684791 | United States 1952 | 127 minutes | Flicker Alley

Windjammer: The Voyage of the Christian Radich
UPC 617311-684890 | United States 1958 | 148 minutes | Flicker Alley, Cinerama
At a star-studded premiere at Grauman’s World Famous Chinese Theater in Hollywood, Windjammer: The Voyage of the Christian Radich sailed into movie history on April 8th, 1958. The brainchild of National Theatres, who hoped to compete with rival widescreen sensation Cinerama, Windjammer was the first (and eventually, the only) film to use the Cinemiracle process. Utilizing proprietary widescreen technology accompanied by seven-channel audio, Cinermiracle was the perfect format to tell the sweeping adventure of the Christian Radich, a Norwegian square-rigger, and her crew.

Now newly restored from original camera elements, the color, the music, and the true artistry of this classic are reborn! Embarking from Oslo, Norway, the Christian Radich sets out across the Atlantic with a storm-tossed stop in Madeira, where New Year’s festivities entice the young crewmen to enjoy Portuguese musical celebrations and heart racing rides in basket sleds down steep cobblestone streets. After that, it is on to Willemstad, Curacao, where young sailors take part in Dutch festivities. They catch a courtyard performance of Pablo Casals in San Juan, Puerto Rico, and in Port-of-Spain, Trinidad, they’re greeted by native steel bands and Calypso singers. By the time they arrive in New York, the Cinemiracle cameras offer a kaleidoscopic treat of color and sound created by famed photographer Arthur “Weege” Fellig. A later encounter with the U.S. Navy Task Force makes for a grand promenade of ships, and when underwater shots of frogmen and a submarine emerge from the depths to reveal the Windjammer on the open sea, Cinemiracle becomes the true star of this breathtaking story. Presented in Smilebox® curved screen format, audiences are once again able to rediscover and re-appreciate this timeless and newly-restored cinematic gem!

Special Delivery
UPC 738329-227920 | United States 1976 | 99 minutes | Kino Lorber, Paramount Home Entertainment
From Paul Wendkos, the director of The Mephisto Waltz, Cannon for Cordoba and Guns of the Magnificent Seven comes this stylish heist film starring badass Bo Svenson (Walking Tall Part II, Breaking Point) and beautiful Cybill Shepherd (Taxi Driver, Once Upon a Crime). A gang of thieves plan a daring bank robbery, making their escape across the rooftops of Los Angeles buildings. The police are quickly called in, however, and only one of the robbers, Murdock (Svenson), makes a clean getaway. Unfortunately, in order to do so, he is forced to dump the stolen cash into a mailbox, which he then finds is locked until midnight, forcing him to wait until the mailman makes his late-night pickup. As he waits, he discovers that his hiding place has been observed by several other people, all of whom want a share of the loot. The stellar cast includes Tom Atkins (Halloween III: Season of the Witch), Sorrel Booke (Bank Shot), Gerrit Graham (Beware! The Blob), Michael C. Gwynn (Harry in Your Pocket), Jeff Goldblum (The Fly), Vic Tayback (Thunderbolt and Lightfoot), Robert Ito (Dimension 5), Kim Richards (Tuff Turf), Deidre Hall (TV's Days of Our Lives), Ed Peck (Bullitt) and John Quade (Every Which Way But Loose).

Doctor Blood's Coffin
UPC 826663-187304 | United Kingdom 1961 | 92 minutes | Shout! Factory, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer (MGM), Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment
After being dismissed from medical school because of his devious experiments, Doctor Peter Blood returns home to join his father's practice. He still believes he can create the perfect human, so he continues his experiments in an abandoned mine where he attempts to revive a rotting corpse. But Dr. Blood needs a living "donor" to create his "perfect human" and soon people start to disappear from the nearby village. This shocker stars Kieron Moore (The Day Of The Triffids) and Hazel Court (The Curse Of Frankenstein, The Masque Of The Red Death) and was directed by Sidney J. Furie (The Entity, The Ipcress File).

Down 3 Dark Streets
UPC 851968-007293 | United States 1954 | 86 minutes | ClassicFlix, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Studios, Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment
When FBI agent Zack Stewart is gunned down in the line of duty, supervisor John "Rip" Ripley (Broderick Crawford) takes over his caseload. Believing that one of Stewart’s three active investigations will reveal the identity of his killer, agent Ripley’s assignment takes him “Down Three Dark Streets”:  chasing down fugitive criminal Joe Walpo (Joe Bassett), breaking down small-time hood Vince Angelino (Gene Reynolds), and hunting down an unknown extortionist threatening helpless Kate Martell (Ruth Roman) – ending with a thrilling climax set against the backdrop of the iconic "Hollywood" sign!

With a supporting cast that includes Martha Hyer, Casey Adams, Jay Adler, Claude Akins and William Johnstone, Down Three Dark Streets was directed by Arnold Laven (Without Warning!) and produced by Jules V. Levy and Arthur Gardner.  The trio would enjoy much success in television as the creative team behind such hits as The Rifleman and The Big Valley.

Oscar-winning cinematographer Joseph F. Biroc (The Towering Inferno) adds the right noir flavor to the tight screenplay by Bernard C. Schoenfeld and The Gordons. Gordon and Mildred Gordon (who wrote the book on which Streets is based, Case File: FBI) would later supply screenplays for such classic films as Experiment in Terror and That Darn Cat!

UPC 8-717418-524722 |  United States 2017 | 105 minutes |

The George Sanders Saint Movies Collection
UPC 883316-349656 | United States 1939 | 338 minutes | Warner Home Video
Debonair thief-turned-detective Simon Templar circles the globe to solve cases with charm and cunning in a series of fast-paced RKO films (1939-41) full of clever banter and cleverer twists based on stories by best-selling author Leslie Charteris. Academy Award® winner* George Sanders made his indelible mark as Templar in the five exciting installments in this endlessly entertaining 2-disc collection. Start sleuthing.

*1950: Best Supporting Actor for All About Eve.

Torpedo Run
UPC 888574-055516 | United States 1958 | 95 minutes | Warner Home Vídeo
A naval officer's insatiable thirst for vengeance puts his command at risk in the Oscar®-nominated WWII action adventure Torpedo Run. starring Glenn Ford and Ernest Borgnine. Barney Doyle (Ford), the skipper of the submarine Greyfish, has his orders: intercept and sink the Shinaru, the enemy carrier that led the attack on Pearl Harbor. So when he learns it's being shielded by a POW transport that's carrying his wife and daughter, the sub's attempt to fire around it fails, killing all 1.400 aboard. Putting family before country, an obsessed Doyle drives his second-in-command (Borgnine) and crew to the breaking point as he makes it his mission to track down the Shinaru and exact a personal revenge.

UPC 888574-603816 | United States 1966 | 121 minutes | Warner Bros. Entertainment, Warner Bros. Home Entertainment
Paul Newman memorably plays the title role in this box-office hit based on Ross MacDonald's The Moving Target. The first detective film in Newman's then 23-film career, Harper revitalized the genre. Newman's sleuth chews gum fast...and slips out of jams ever faster as he unravels a twisted case of kidnapping and murder. William Goldman's clever script throws quips and a parade of LA-LA-Land characters Harper's way. There's a woman of means (Lauren Bacall), a gun-toting attorney (Arthur Hill), a poolside gigolo (Robert Wagner), a boozy ex-starlet (Shelley Winters), a jazz junkie (Julie Harris), Harper's estranged wife (Janet Leigh) and the unholy order of the Temple of the Clouds (led by Strother Martin). Each may possess a clue. Or a bullet for Harper.

The Collector's Place / Re: What'ya got 2018
« on: May 27, 2018, 12:16:51 PM »
If it had just been Amy Schumer, maybe, but not Goldie!  :-[

It's a blind buy and for me it's actually the other way around: If it had just been Amy Schumer, I would not have bothered.
That's not what I meant. I meant that if it had just been Amy I could possibly have imagined that Snatched referred to snatch as in slang for vagina. But not when Goldie is in the film.

The Collector's Place / Re: What'ya got 2018
« on: May 26, 2018, 11:48:37 PM »
I must say that Mädelstrip sounded intriguing until I realized that it's probably "trip" and not "strip". Of course a dirty mind could think that Snatched referred to snatch as in the slang for ... But no, I won't even go there. If it had just been Amy Schumer, maybe, but not Goldie!  :-[

The Collector's Place / Re: What'ya got 2018
« on: May 13, 2018, 11:26:01 AM »
The People Under the Stairs
UPC 5-027035-010403 | United States 1991 | 102 minutes | Arrow Video
In every neighbourhood there is one house that adults whisper about and children cross the street to avoid....

Wes Craven, the master of terror who brought you the infamous The Last House on the Left, invites you inside another house of horror!

Fool may be a streetwise kid, but he makes a decidedly bad decision when he agrees to assist a family friend in the robbery of their landlord's imposing homestead. What begins as a routine break-in soon begins to take a sinister turn as the would-be robbers find themselves trapped inside and face-to-face with the terrible secrets which lurk within the building's walls – and under the stairs...

The People Under The Stairs sees director Wes Craven return to one of his trademark themes: the savagery which lurks just underneath the skin of the outwardly conventional family unit. Often overlooked in favour of the director's more A-list hits such as Scream and A Nightmare on Elm Street, The People Under the Stairs is a superior slice of home-bound horror which can stand proudly alongside Craven's best works.

The Man Who Haunted Himself
UPC 5-027626-705343 | United Kingdom 1970 | 94 minutes | StudioCanal, Network
Roger Moore gives a career-defining performance as a businessman whose existence is reshaped by malevolent forces in this taut psychological thriller directed by Ealing Films veteran Basil Dearden. Made at a point in his career post-Saint and pre-Persuaders, this is the film that showcased Moore's big-screen charisma and ultimately lead to him taking over the role of James Bond. The complete, full-length version of The Man Who Haunted Himself is featured here in a brand-new HD restoration from original film elements in its as-exhibited theatrical aspect ratio on both Blu-ray and DVD.

Harold Pelham, a partner in a large electronics firm, finds himself in bewildering circumstances after recovering from a near-fatal car accident. What causes him to renounce his high business principles? Why do friends and colleagues repeatedly sight him in places he has never been? And why does Julie, an attractive girl he has seen only once, claim such an intimate relationship with him? Does Pelham really have a doppelganger – or is he losing his mind?

Junior Bonner
UPC 5-030697-003423 | United States 1972 | 96 minutes | PT Video, Prism Leisure
this legendary pairing of director Sam Peckinpah (The Wild Bunch, Straw Dogs) and Steve McQueen, McQueen gave an outstanding performance in the title role. It is therefore easy to see why Junior Bonner became one of Peckinpah`s most acclaimed films and his own personal favourite.

Still recovering from being thrown from a bull called Sunshine, Junior Bonner is on his way home to join his family for the annual Frontier Days Rodeo. However, when he arrives, he finds his house abandoned and his father, Ace (Robert Preston) in hospital. Determined to prove that he still has all the makings of a champion, Junior challenges Sunshine once again but this time he is determined to beat the bull so that his father`s dream of building a ranch in Australia can become a reality.

The Buddy Holly Story
UPC 5-030697-019653 | United States 1978 | 109 minutes | Fabulous Films
Buddy Holly laid the foundations for a generation of popular music with his ground-breaking combination of country music and rhythm & blues. This film tells his story from its explosive beginning to its tragic end with Gary Busey giving an electrifying, Oscar® nominated performance (Best Actor - 1978) as the young genius from Lubbock, Texas, who changed the tune of rock 'n' roll history.

Young Buddy's studious appearance gave no hint of the new music which was about to take the world by storm. His unique brand of rock 'n' roll catapulted him and the Crickets to national stardom in just three short years with hits such as ''That'll Be The Day'' and ''Peggy Sue''.

Despite opposition from the mainly redneck Texas community, his mother who nagged him to get a proper job and his girlfriend who wanted to tame him - by the age of 22, Holly had it all but the trials and tribulations of fame began to take it's toll and his brilliant career ended in tragedy all too quickly.

The Buddy Holly Story is one of the best biopics ever produced for cinema and features 12 of his greatest hit songs as well as winning the 1978 Academy Award™ for Best Score Adaptation. It's a dynamic tribute to one of the most influential rock 'n' rollers of all time and his legacy.

Ulzana's Raid
UPC 5-050582-031218 | United States 1972 | 99 minutes |
Violence begets violence in this explosive Western that pits marauding Apaches against weary Indian fighters and naive U.S. cavalrymen.  Burt Lancaster is McIntosh, a scout assigned to aid the cavalry in tracking down Ulzana and his band of renegade Indians.  As the trail gets hotter, he tries to teach idealistic young Lieutenant DeBuin (Bruce Davison) that the only way to fight their escalating brutality and violence is with stronger force.  This gritty action epic teaming Lancaster with Robert Aldrich (THE DIRTY DOZEN, THE LONGEST YARD), who directed him in the Westerns APACHE and VERA CRUZ, is considered one of their best films.  Written by Alan Sharp (NIGHT MOVES, THE OSTERMAN WEEKEND), it is sure to excite both the senses and the intellect with its parallels to the war in Vietnam.

UPC 5-053083-153823 | United States 1978 | 110 minutes | Paramount Home Entertainment
The classic tale of good girl Sandy (Olivia Newton-John) and bad boy Danny (John Travolta) gets tuned up with new special features in this Grease™ Exclusive 40th Anniversary Edition. Your favourite movie musical just gets better with time!

Caravan to Vaccarès
UPC 738329-231293 | United Kingdom 1974 | 84 minutes | Scorpion Releasing, Bryanston Pictures
From the thrilling best seller from Alistair MacLean (Where Eagles Dare, Puppet On A Chain, Ice Station Zebra) now comes the exciting motion picture! American Neil Bowman (David Birney, Nightfall, Prettykill) is traveling through France when he meets British photographer Lila (Charlotte Rampling, Academy Award nominee, 45 Year, Zardoz, Farewell My Lovely). They are hired by French land owner Duc de Croyter (Michael Lonsdale, The Passage, Moonraker) to escort a Hungarian scientist to New York. But they soon realize that the job is not a cushy number, and have to deal with a gang of kidnappers who will stop at nothing to get their hands on the scientist. Also starring Marcel Bozzuffi (The Passage, French Connection), Michael Bryant (Girly) Flamingo Guitar legend Manitas De Plata, and directed by Geoffrey Reeve (Puppet On A Chain) now see this in HD and widescreen!

The Dungeonmaster / Eliminators
UPC 826663-163544 | United States 1984 | 172 minutes | Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Studios, Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment, Shout! Factory
Paul, a young computer ace, is forced to pit his physical and mental skills against unimaginable odds when a hulking wizard looking for formidable opponents picks Paul as his next challenger. Paul faces a series of seven spectacular and death-defying challenges and must survive not only to save his life but that of his girlfriend's too! Jeffrey Byron (Metalstorm: The Destruction Of Jared-Syn) and Richard Moll (Night Court) star in this eye-popping thriller featuring an appearance by W.A.S.P.!

A mandroid – part man and part machine – seeks revenge on the evil scientist who created him. Enlisting the help of a beautiful woman and a mysterious ninja, he pursues the scientist in hopes of stopping him before he can further harm humanity. Andrew Prine (The Town That Dreaded Sundown) and Denise Crosby (Star Trek: The Next Generation) star.

Movie Movie
UPC 853765-005564 | United States 1978 | 105 minutes | Kino Lorber, Scorpion Releasing, ITV Studios Global Entertainment
An hilarious two-films-in-one toast to the classic 'B' movies of Hollywood in its heyday when the double feature was king. Dynamite Hands (in black and white, of course) is the fight story about big punch boxer Joey Popchick (Harry Hamlin, L.A. Law, Clash Of The Titans), his trainer Gloves Malloy (George C. Scott Academy Award® winner; Patton, The Hustler) and the up-to-no-good Vince Marlow (Eli Wallach, Firepower, The Good The Bad And The Ugly). Baxter's Beauties of 1933 (in gorgeous living color, naturally) follows the fortunes of Broadway producer Spats Baxter (George C. Scott again) with a heart of gold and a daughter who thinks she's an orphan and ends up saving the day in Spats' best show ever. Featuring an all-star cast including Barry Bostwick (The Rocky Horror Picture Show, Megaforce), Art Carney (Academy Award® winner; Harry & Tonto), Red Buttons (Academy Award® winner; Sayonara), Kathleen Beller (The Betsy), Barbara Harris (Family Plot), Anne Reinking (All That Jazz) and Trish Van Devere (The Hearse) and directed by the great Stanley Donen (Singin' In The Rain, Charade), now see this classic from a brand new HD master!!!

Movie Reviews / Re: Reviews and ramblings by Gunnar
« on: May 10, 2018, 08:01:02 PM »
It's been quite some time since I published any reviews. When I upgraded to Windows 10, I lost the review template I had built, and I didn't get around to fixing that until now.

The Sea Wolf (888574-541958)

United States 1941 | Released 2017-10-10 on Bluray from Warner Bros. Entertainment, Turner Entertainment, Warner Bros. Home Entertainment
100 minutes | Aspect ratio: 1.37:1 | Audio: English DTS-HD Master Audio Mono
Directed by Michael Curtiz and starring Edward G. Robinson, Ida Lupino, John Garfield, Alexander Knox, Gene Lockhart

Jack London's novel The Sea Wolf had it all: action, mystery and widespread popularity. But Jack Warner, claiming the title was too similar to the studio's The Sea Hawk, wanted to give the 1941 film version something else: a new name. Producer Henry Blanke resisted, saying it would be "a detriment to the box office...(like changing) Gone With the Wind to Molly From the South." As film fans know, Molly stayed in the South and the haunting nautical adventure took a big bite out of the box office, becoming one of the top moneymakers of 1940-41.

Edward G. Robinson and a superb cast are the hands on deck for this voyage into nightmare. Robinson is Captain Wolf Larsen, a hell-bent seadog who ranks with Moby Dick's Ahab and Mutiny on the Bounty's Captain Bligh. Doom is the mad seafarer's fog-shrouded port of call...and he intends to take a roughneck recruit (John Garfield), two castaways (Ida Lupino and Alexander Knox) and his crew (including Gene Lockhart and Barry Fitzgerald) with him. Adventure - and eerie suspense - ahoy! The Sea Wolf was such a box-office hit that it was given a national theatrical reissue in 1947, but to do so, the film was cut to a length of 86 minutes, and remained that length for 70 years. Long thought to exist only in substandard form, Warner Bros. is proud to present this film as first released in 1941, restoring its original 100-minute running time from 35mm nitrate elements.

My thoughts about The Sea Wolf:
I knew that Jack London had written about Wolf Larsen. I did not, however, know that the original title of the book was "The Sea Wolf", so I did not immediately realize that this was the movie about Wolf Larsen. I had always thought that Wolf Larsen was kind of a heroic figure. I was mistaken. But that doesn't mean that I didn't enjoy the movie. On the contrary. It has great performances all around. Edward G. Robinson is almost always good, and I don't remember Ida Lupino ever being better than this.

Director Michael Curtiz has a whopping 178 movie credits on IMDb. Not all of them are masterpieces, but I think it's safe to say that he was an accomplished director. This may not rate is high as Casablanca, Robin Hood or Mildred Pierce, but it's still a damned good picture.

I rate this title

Totally agree, Achim.
And btw Weinstein is listed as Executive Producer on the LOTR movies, according to IMDb. Not sure what that actually entailed.

Yep, Se7en is a no-go. And don't even think of rewatching The Usual Suspects.
Go through your collection and throw out everything that Harvey Weinstein has been involved with! So kiss goodbye to your Lord of the Rings trilogy, for example!  ;)

TV Series / Re: TV Shows/Episodes Watched in 2018
« on: April 25, 2018, 12:05:03 AM »
NOK 109 comes to just over € 11

The Collector's Place / Re: What'ya got 2018
« on: April 23, 2018, 12:50:47 PM »
UPC 5-035822-101135 | United States 1956 | 97 minutes | Columbia TriStar Home Entertainment

UPC 5-037899-071168 | United Kingdom 1971 | 86 minutes | Powerhouse Films
This brilliant feature debut from director Stephen Frears (My Beautiful Laundrette, Dangerous Liaisons, The Grifters) is an affectionate – and uniquely British – tribute to the Hollywood detective movies of the 1940s. Starring the great Albert Finney (Saturday Night and Sunday Morning, Murder on the Orient Express, Skyfall) as a Liverpool bingo caller who dreams of being a private eye and then finds himself suddenly contacted for what appears to be an actual piece of detective work.

The Jackal
UPC 5-050582-809244 | United States 1997 | 124 minutes | Universal Pictures
Bruce Willis is a ruthless assassin, known only as The Jackal, who has been hired to eliminate someone at the very top of the U.S. government. In order to track down this cold-blooded killer and prevent the hit, the FBI's deputy Director (Sidney Poitier) and a Russian intelligence officer (Diane Venora) enlist he aid of an imprisoned Irish terrorist (Richard Gere). These unlikely allies enter a global race against the clock to stop the mysterious mercenary before he can complete his deadly assignment.

The Long Arm
UPC 5-055201-801371 | United Kingdom 1956 | 93 minutes | Studio Canal, Optimum Releasing
Ealing studios' output from the 1940's and 1950's helped define what was arguably the golden age for British cinema. The Long Arm is a classic British crime drama starring Jack Hawkins as Tom Halliday, Scotland Yard sleuth.

A breathtaking thriller with twists aplenty, The Long Arm is the story of Halliday's attempts to solve the mystery of a series of robberies in London. The crimes are apparently unconnected, but the plot thickens as an inexplicable pattern in events becomes clear.

Seven Days to Noon
UPC 5-055201-811059 | United Kingdom 1950 | 93 minutes | Optimum Releasing, Studio Canal
In an attempt to fight fire with fire, nuclear scientist Prof. Bullington (Barry Jones) steals a nuclear bomb and sends a letter to the Prime Minister threatening to blow up the Houses of Parliament unless the government meets his demand to stop atomic weapon research. Bullington gives the government until noon the following Sunday to meet his demands, the authorities say he's mad, but he appears coldly sane in a world close to Armageddon. Scotland Yard immediately put Superintendent Folland (Andre Morell) on to the case of searching for the professor. As London is evacuated the tension builds to an almost unbearable level as the days slip by and the deadline for the obliteration of London approaches.

Tammy and the Bachelor
UPC 5-060000-403220 | United States 1957 | 89 minutes | Eureka Entertainment
After Tammy (Debbie Reynolds – Singin’ in the Rain) and her Grandpa (Walter Brennan – To Have and Have Not) find Peter Brent (Leslie Nielsen – Forbidden Planet) alone and unconscious near their Mississippi home, they take him in and restore him to health. But when Grandpa is arrested for bootlegging, Tammy is forced to leave their riverside shack and goes to stay with Peter and his family in luxurious new surroundings. But will Tammy ever feel at home in high society, and how will she cope with the first stirrings of love?

This beloved romantic comedy (originally released in the UK as Tammy) was a huge hit on its original release, along with its chart-topping title song. Tammy and the Bachelor is a delightful classic for all generations and is now available for the first time for home viewing in the UK.

Blood of Dracula
UPC 5-060009-232920 | United States 1957 | 71 minutes | DVD UK Ltd.
Six weeks after her mother dies, Nancy Perkins' father remarries.  The stepmother then sends Nancy (Sandra Harrison) off to a school for girls where the innocent girl falls under the spell of evil chemistry teacher Miss Branding (Louise Lewis).  Putting Nancy under hypnosis, Miss Branding converts the poor damsel to vampirism causing her to commit murders and then forget all about them.  The villainess receives her comeuppance when Nancy refuses to snap out of her spell, transforming into a slavering vampiric beast.

Split Second
UPC 5-060082-517358 | United States 1953 | 85 minutes | Odeon Entertainment
Meet Sam Hurley: Public Enemy Number One. The violent killer has just busted out of jail but his buddy Bart was wounded in the escape and needs a doctor fast. Sam takes four hostages to blackmail a doctor to help, taking them to a ghost town in the desert to wait for the sawbones.

But that ghost town is a dangerous place to be. The US military are testing an atom bomb at 06:00. Sam and his prisoners are sitting right at ground zero...

Directed by noir icon Dick Powell (Farewell, My Lovely), Split Second is a masterful ticking-clock thriller that builds to a literally explosive climax!

A Trip to the Moon
UPC 617311-684999 | France 1902 | 16 minutes | Flicker Alley
No original hand-colored copies of A Trip to the Moon (Le Voyage dans la Lune - 1902), by Georges Méliès, had been known to survive until one was miraculously found in Spain in the mid-1990s, but in a fragmentary condition thought too fragile to handle for either viewing or restoration. In 2010, three experts in worldwide film restoration - Lobster Films, and two non-profit entities, Groupama Gan Foundation for Cinema and Technicolor Foundation for Cinema Heritage - launched one of the most complex and ambitious film restoration projects ever to bring an original, colored version of Méliès' masterpiece back 110 years after its first release. Using the most advanced digital technologies now available, the team reassembled and restored the fragments of the 13,375 frames. Flicker Alley is pleased to present this new restoration with two brand new scores by Jeff Mills, and Dorian Pimpernel, as well as an improvised piano track by Serge Bromberg with optional narration written by Georges Méliès.

The Extraordinary Voyage, also featured on this disc, is a fascinating documentary, directed by Serge Bromberg and Eric Lange. The Extraordinary Voyage chronicles the journey of A Trip to the Moon from the fantastical Méliès production in 1902, to the astonishing rediscovery of a nitrate print in color in 1993, to the premiere of the new restoration on the opening night of the Cannes Film Festival in 2011. The documentary includes interviews with contemporary filmmakers, including Costa Gavras, Michel Gondry, Michel Hazanavicius, and Jean-Pierre Jeunet on Méliès' enduring significance to cinema.

BONUS FEATURES: This publication also contains A Trip to the Moon in a beautifully restored black and white edition from original 35mm elements with multiple audio tracks: an orchestral score by Robert Israel with optional English narration written by George Méliès; piano accompaniment by Fredrick Hodges with optional Russell Merritt produced track of actors voicing the various characters as performed in the U.S. in 1903. Plus, two lunar-related shorts by Méliès - The Eclipse (1904) and The Astronomer's Dream (1898).

The Amicus Collection
UPC 663390-002032 | United Kingdom 1972 | 335 minutes | Severin Films
Known as 'The Studio That Dripped Blood', the British film company Amicus Productions – founded by American writer/producers Max J. Rosenberg and Milton Subotsky – built a legacy of horror anthologies and twisted thrillers that remains among the very best genre movies of the 70s. In this trio of Amicus classics – featuring stars that include Peter Cushing, Herbert Lom, Britt Ekland, Patrick Magee, Stephanie Beacham, Calvin Lockhart, Michael Gambon and Charlotte Rampling – you'll discover the studio's legendary portmanteau ASYLUM, their insane gothic shocker AND NOW THE SCREAMING STARTS, and exclusive to this set the infamous werewolf whodunit THE BEAST MUST DIE, as well as a Bonus Disc of Amicus trailers, TV commercials, rare interviews and more.

UPC 715515-202510 | United States 1980 | 105 minutes | The Criterion Collection
The inimitable comic team of Walter Matthau and Glenda Jackson star in this nimble tale of international intrigue from master British filmmaker Ronald Neame. Based on Brian Garfield’s best-selling novel, the blithe thriller centers on Miles Kendig (Matthau), a disillusioned CIA agent who, with the help of a chic and savvy widow living in Austria (Jackson), threatens to publish his memoirs and expose the innermost secrets of every major intelligence agency in the world. Despite being in major hot water with his former colleagues, Kendig refuses to get in line—he’s having too much fun. Set to the sounds of Mozart, this lighthearted sendup of the paranoid dramas of its era is an expertly crafted, singular take on the spy movie.

UPC 738329-160623 | United States 1970 | 115 minutes | Kino Lorber
A group of Mexican bandits, led by the great Warren Oates (Bring Me the Head of Alfredo Garcia), head for the town of Lonely Dell in order to cross the Paria River. Leaving a trail of death and destruction along the way, they arrive at Lonely Dell not expecting any resistance from the town's citizen. After decimating the local town, the gang of bandits demand that bargeman Travis (Lee van Cleef, Sabata) transport the crooks and their booty across the river. But they get more than they bargained for when Travis turns the table on the vicious gang. The great Gordon Douglas (Between Midnight and Dawn) directs action packed adventure influenced by the ultra violent "Spaghetti Westerns" that made Van Cleef an international superstar. The top-notch supporting cast includes Forrest Tucker (TV's F Troop), Kerwin Mathews (The 7th Voyage of Sinbad) and Mariette Hartley (Ride the High Country).

The Sea Wolf
UPC 888574-541958 | United States 1941 | 100 minutes | Warner Bros. Entertainment, Turner Entertainment, Warner Bros. Home Entertainment
Jack London's novel The Sea Wolf had it all: action, mystery and widespread popularity. But Jack Warner, claiming the title was too similar to the studio's The Sea Hawk, wanted to give the 1941 film version something else: a new name. Producer Henry Blanke resisted, saying it would be "a detriment to the box office...(like changing) Gone With the Wind to Molly From the South." As film fans know, Molly stayed in the South and the haunting nautical adventure took a big bite out of the box office, becoming one of the top moneymakers of 1940-41.

Edward G. Robinson and a superb cast are the hands on deck for this voyage into nightmare. Robinson is Captain Wolf Larsen, a hell-bent seadog who ranks with Moby Dick's Ahab and Mutiny on the Bounty's Captain Bligh. Doom is the mad seafarer's fog-shrouded port of call...and he intends to take a roughneck recruit (John Garfield), two castaways (Ida Lupino and Alexander Knox) and his crew (including Gene Lockhart and Barry Fitzgerald) with him. Adventure - and eerie suspense - ahoy! The Sea Wolf was such a box-office hit that it was given a national theatrical reissue in 1947, but to do so, the film was cut to a length of 86 minutes, and remained that length for 70 years. Long thought to exist only in substandard form, Warner Bros. is proud to present this film as first released in 1941, restoring its original 100-minute running time from 35mm nitrate elements.

TV Series / Re: TV Shows/Episodes Watched in 2018
« on: April 22, 2018, 11:17:03 PM »
Hm, cool. Maby i'll have to buy SEAL when it comes to BD :) Sounds interesting. And since i've liked Boreanaz since his days in Bones (yes i watched him in Angel and Buffy too) but not my cup of tea those two shows.
The SWAT i'll just wait for to come on tv here in Norway.. :)
You can watch SWAT on Viaplay. It's NOK 109 a month, but you get a free trial month, and you can see a lot in a month.

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