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Member's Reviews

Stephen King's Thinner, a review by addicted2dvd

Sunday Mini-Marathon
Unwatched DVDs
The past couple days has really been hectic for me... so I didn't get to watch much of anything. But today I am free so thought I would at least watch a few movies. Whatever I can fit in anyway. Since I will only be able to get a few in... thought I should at least try to get some of my unwatched shelf cleared off to make room for the new DVDs coming. So today I watched...

Stephen King's Thinner
Based on the best-seller, 'Stephen King's Thinner' stars Robert John Burke ('RoboCop 3', 'Tombstone') and Joe Mantegna ('Bugsy', 'The Godfather III') in a story of supernatural terror and a countdown to the ultimate payback. A 109-year-old gypsy, hell-bent on revenge, exacts a curse so shocking it compels its victim to gorge himself in an effort to avoid shrinking away to nothingness. With time running out and a torture so bizarre and powerful, even death seems a more likely option.

My Thoughts:
As big of a Stephen King fan I am... I don't know why it took me so long to get this movie... but I have only had it for a week or so as of now. Even though this isn't the best of his movies I have seen... I still enjoyed it. It was definitely worth the few bucks I paid for it. That is one plus for waiting so long... I got it very cheap. There was only a couple extras on this release. A featurette and a commentary track... neither of which I checked out yet.

(From Sunday Mini-Marathon: Unwatched DVDs on February 3rd, 2008)

Member's Reviews

Army of Darkness, a review by addicted2dvd

Army of Darkness
The one and only Bruce Campbell stars as Ash, a hapless housewares clerk time-warped back to the Dark Ages by the demonic power of the Necronomicon. Now armed with only a '73 Oldsmobile, his trusty chainsaw and a 12-gauge double-barreled S-Mart shotgun, our knucklehead hero must battle vicious she-bitches, a diabolical Evil Ash and the relentless hordes of the medieval dead in the most outrageously spectacular horror comedy ever made. Get ready for some sugar, baby: this is 'ARMY OF DARKNESS - THE BOOMSTICK EDITION!'

My Thoughts:
All the sudden I was in the mood for something fun.... something silly yet something horror related. So what better to pop in then Army of Darkness? I have watched Army of Darkness many times... but this is only the second time I watched the Director's Cut. I think I enjoy the Director's cut a little better then the theatrical version... I like that final laugh that they give you at the end of the Director's Cut.

My Rating:
Out of a Possible 5

(From Weekend Movie Marathon: 11/21 - 11/23 on November 23rd, 2008)

Member's TV Reviews

"Battlestar Galactica" Marathon (1978-2009), a review by DJ Doena

Battlestar Galactica (1978)

Disc 1

Saga of a Star World
Synopsis: For a thousand yahren the war with the Cylons has lasted. The Cylons are machines and their creators - the original race called "Cylons" - have died out long ago. But now an armistice was negotiated by Baltar and the fleet of the Twelve Colonies of Man meets with the Cylons to sign a peace treaty. But Baltar has betrayed his own species to seize power and the Cylons launch a large-scale attack on the colonial fleets and the colonies. Only one Battlestar - the Galactica - and a few refugees survive that holocaust. But there's a myth about a thirteenth colony of Kobol. Commander Adama and his fleet of 220 ships leave the colonies behind to find that legendary colony: Earth. But it won't be an easy journey and there are still those who believe that mankind should lay down its weapons and seek peace with the Cylons.

My Opinion: The show begins with an epic three-parter which was re-cut and re-published as a movie. The designs of that show are still great. The Galactica, the Cylons ("walking chrome toasters"), the Cylon Raiders, the Basestars. Although the deception of mankind and the destruction of the fleet was a bit too easy, it was a decent start for the story and it showed that Adama is an astute commander and that he has the best pilots in the fleet. I also liked their sense of humour: One of the ships had an advertisement printed on the side: "Colonial Movers - We Move Anywhere". The characters are also good. They may not have the depth of nowadays's characters, but they have charm: Adama, Apollo, Starbuck, Athena, Cassiopeia, Serina, ... and of course the diabolical Baltar.

(From "Battlestar Galactica" Marathon (1978-2009) on March 13th, 2009)