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Member's Reviews

Crimson Tide, a review by Dr. Hasslein

Crimson Tide

Director: Tony Scott
Year: 1995
Running Time: 116 Minutes
Rated: M
Genre: Action, Drama, Thriller

When a Russian Rebel Army lead by an unstable dictator take control of a nuclear facility, the United States deploy a nuclear class submarine, to retaliate if any missiles are launched. One board is Capt. Frank Ramsey, one of the few sub commanders left with combat experience. And Lt. Commander Ron Hunter who is a last minute replacement due to the previous Lt. Commander succumbing to illness. Both men have different methods of management and clash when orders are given to launch their missile against the Russian target.

My Thoughts

(From Crimson Tide on December 29th, 2010)

Member's Reviews

WALL•E, a review by Critter

Year: 2008

Director(s): Andrew Stanton

Run Time: 98  minutes

Plot: In the distant future, a small waste collecting robot inadvertently embarks on a space journey that will ultimately decide the fate of mankind.

Cast: DVD Extras:My Thoughts
This is a film that I enjoyed so much when it was first released that I saw it four times in the cinema. Three of which were all in the space of one week. I have since watched it again on DVD but it has been a while so I felt due for another viewing. I am still yet to watch this film on blu-ray but my DVD in a blu-ray player enhances the quality already and certainly does the film justice. I am looking to purchase the blu-ray of it in the future though.

Where do I even begin with such a fantastic story, Pixar has yet again set the bar for animated films monumentally high with WALL-EWALL-E My Rating


(From Critter's Animated Film/Anime Marathon on May 31st, 2010)

Member's TV Reviews

Pete's Pilots, a review by addicted2dvd


Lt. Harmon "Harm" Rabb, a JAG lawyer who investigates and litigates crimes committed by Navy and Marine personnel, looks into the mysterious death of a female pilot aboard an aircraft carrier. Harm is convinced the female pilot who fell overboard didn't commit suicide, but was actually pushed, with all the suspects still aboard the aircraft carrier.

My Thoughts:
This is another of my favorite shows... unfortunately I have fell way behind on collecting this series... as I only have the first 5 seasons (of 10) so far. While this is a good pilot episode... I did enjoy every minute of it. I definitely prefer seasons 2 on. I like the character of Mac much better then any of his other partners. Gotta love Catherine Bell!  :drooling: The storyline for this episode is very good. It really keeps your attention!

My Thoughts:

(From Pete's Pilots on February 22nd, 2010)