Author Topic: The 1967 Spider-Man Animated Series  (Read 13464 times)


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The 1967 Spider-Man Animated Series
« on: March 31, 2010, 01:52:59 AM »

That's right! I'm reviewing the classic Spidey over my Spring Break! Just to get you in the mood, I'll show you how many episodes you're in for, and finish off with the lyrics!!!!

ok, that last part's mainly to annoy my dad! ;)


Disc 1:

Season 1

~The Power of Dr. Octopus
~Sub-Zero for Spidey
~Where Crawls the Lizard
~Electro the Human Lightning Bolt
~The Menace of Mysterio
~The Sky Is Falling
~Captured by J. Jonah Jameson
~Never Step on a Scorpion
~Sands of Crime
~Diet of Destruction
~The Witching Hour
~Kilowatt Kaper
~The Peril of Parafino
~Horn of the Rhino

Disc 2:

~The One-Eyed Idol
~Fifth Avenue Phantom
~The Revenge of Dr. Magneto
~The Sinister Prime Minister
~The Night of the Villains
~Here Comes Trubble
~Spider-Man Meets Dr. Noah Boddy
~The Fantastic Fakir
~Return of The Flying Dutchman
~Farewell Performance
~The Golden Rhino
~Blueprint for Crime
~The Spider and the Fly
~The Slippery Dr. Von Schlick
~The Vulture's Prey
~The Dark Terrors
~The Terrible Triumph of Dr. Octopus
~Magic Malice

Disc 3:

~Fountain of Terror
~Fiddler on the Loose
~To Catch a Spider
~Double Identity
~Sting of the Scorpion
~Trick or Treachery


~The Origin of Spider-Man
~King Pinned
~Swing City
~Criminals in the Clouds
~Menace from the Bottom of the World
~Diamond Dust

Disc 4:

~Spider-Man Battles the Molemen
~Phantom from the Depths of Time
~The Evil Sorcerer
~Pardo Presents
~Cloud City of Gold
~Neptune's Nose Cone

Disc 5:

~Thunder Rumble
~Spider-Man Meets Skyboy
~Cold Storage
~To Cage a Spider


~The Winged Thing
~Conner's Reptiles
~Trouble with Snow
~Spiderman Vs. Desparado
~Sky Harbor
~The Big Brainwasher
~The Vanishing Dr. Vespasian
~Scourge of the Scarf
~Super Swami
~The Birth of Micro Man

Disc 6:

~Knight Must Fall
~The Devious Dr. Dumpty
~Up From Nowhere
~The Madness of Mysterio
~Revolt in the Fifth Dimension
~Specialists and Slaves
~Down to Earth
~Trip to Tomorrow

And now like I said, the theme......

Spider-Man, Spider-Man
Does whatever a spider can.
Spins a web
any size.
Catches theives
just like flies.
Look out! Here comes the Spider-Man!

Is he strong? Listen bud.
He's got radioactive blood.
Can he swing from a thread?
Take a look overhead.
Hey there! There goes the Spider-Man!

In the chill of night
at the scene of a crime,
like a streak of light,
he arrives just in time.

Spider-Man, Spider-Man,
friendly neighborhood Spider-Man.
Wealth and fame, he's ignored.
Action is his reward.

To him
life is a great big bang up.
Where ever there's a hang-up
you'll find the Spider-Man.


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Re: The 1967 Spider-Man Animated Series
« Reply #1 on: March 31, 2010, 03:17:19 AM »
I remember watching this when it was first on  :tv: as I was still a teenager then.  Unfortunately, a year or so ago I found out this set is now out-of-print so the only way to get it is to pay unbelievably high prices to private sellers.  So unless it is officially re-issued, I'll never get it now.

Offline addicted2dvd

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Re: The 1967 Spider-Man Animated Series
« Reply #2 on: March 31, 2010, 12:03:41 PM »
You were a teen at the time Roger?... I wasn't even born yet. I wasn't even thought of yet!  :P But it is one that I watched in reruns as a kid all the time. And I grabbed it fast as soon as I heard it was being released.  :)

Britt... I think we should watch all 3 movies to go with your cartoon marathon!  :tease:


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Re: The 1967 Spider-Man Animated Series
« Reply #3 on: March 31, 2010, 04:03:08 PM »
hahaha, guess I'm not the only comedian in the family, but I am the only one who can enjoy the Spidey theme!! :P

Episode 1: The Power of Doctor Octopus

The Plot: Peter Parker has been sent on assignment by J. Jonah Jameson to investigate mysterious lights seen by citizens in the vicinity when his car crashes. Following a quick change into Spider-Man to rescue his vehicle, the mysterious lights cause him to stumble upon Dr. Octopus's secret lair only to soon thereafter find himself captured by one of its booby traps. Dr. Octopus plans to use his new weapon, a device which generates electronic impulses which will disrupt all the gas, water and power lines within a section of the city, to show off his tremendous intellect and power.

My Thoughts: Well, I'd like to start off by saying this brings back a lot of memories for me, but seeing as how I'm only 14, I really can't say that here! :P Also knowing how some older animation may not meet my tastes, I've decided that may affect my rating, so no rates, just reviews.

For this episode, it was pretty cool seeing a famous villain in episode one, but I can't shake the feeling that they should have started with the origin. I mena, this was his first airing, am I wrong? Wouldn't that leave a lot of questions for the audience? But I was happy to see Spidey's wit being represented even this early in the series, even if his voice is a lot deeper than it should be in my opinion. JJJ was pretty much nailed, which is what I like to see, and its nice seeing Betty Brant play a part in this series instead of focusing on MJ like so many others, coarse that may be because she wasn't made up yet? Either way, its still a pretty coll way to kick off the series. :thumbup:

« Last Edit: March 31, 2010, 04:45:52 PM by addicted2comics(:P) »


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Re: The 1967 Spider-Man Animated Series
« Reply #4 on: March 31, 2010, 04:45:09 PM »

Episode 2: Sub-Zero for Spidey

The Plot: Peter Parker is on his way to visit renown scientist Professor Smartyr in the middle of an heat wave when he notices the grounds near the Professor's house are covered in ice! Investigating as Spider-Man, he encounters a huge alien ice creature (Professor Smartyr assumes this creature must naturally belong to a race of ice creatures that most likely originated on the planet Pluto) which seems not only bent on freezing New York City but also on kidnapping the Professor!

My Thoughts: Lol, well, this episode may be a shot in the dark when it comes to believability, but it sure ended good!! There's something about JJJ thinking he's going to be laughed out of business because of a flying diamond that makes me  :hysterical: .

Other than that, the whole I was thinking about the timing. An ice episode after I just got out of what may be the coldest winter ever.  ::) But other than that, pretty nice episode, can't wait to watch more. Oh, and I agree with Betty, next time someone see's a flying diamond better get it for me! ;)


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Re: The 1967 Spider-Man Animated Series
« Reply #5 on: March 31, 2010, 05:05:30 PM »

Episode 3: Where Crawls the Lizard

The Plot: Spider-Man battles the Lizard in the Florida Everglades.

My Thoughts: The Lizard needed a different drawing style for this, but all in all this is a good episode. I like anything that shows what a nerd he can really be  :thumbup: You'd be surprised how many interpretations miss that aspect of his life. One thing I didn't like was the reason Dr.Conners made the serum in this. Swamp Fever? How does lizard DNA relate to that? Yeah, the whole "cure amputations" thing makes more sense with the whole "lizards can regrow lost limbs" angle. Other than that, its ok!


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Re: The 1967 Spider-Man Animated Series
« Reply #6 on: March 31, 2010, 05:31:48 PM »

Episode 4: Electro the Human Lightning Bolt

The Plot: Spider-Man battles with an electrically charged menace called Electro who is framing Spider-Man for robberies that Electro is committing.

My Thoughts: Well, I especially like the style of this episode because of three reasons. One, adding the chemical to the webbing to let it withstand electricity is showing Pete's smart side. Two, the debut of the spider-tracer. And three, Spider-Man is framed which is what happens in just about every version of his life, in the comics, TV, or movies, you klnow its coming, but it just wouldn't be right without it!!! ;D  Big  :thumbup: !!!!


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Re: The 1967 Spider-Man Animated Series
« Reply #7 on: March 31, 2010, 06:08:24 PM »

Episode 5: The Menace of Mysterio

The Plot: Spider-man has robbed a bank! But Peter Parker doesn't remember robbing a bank. He figures it must be an impostor. Meanwhile, J Jonah Jameson has being recieving calls from a mysterious Mysterio. He claims that he could defeat Spider-man and bets with Jonah on it. Jonah puts Mysterio's challenge on the front page of the Daily Bugle though Spider-man is in trouble with the law...

My Thoughts: Hahaha....I love just about any episode that makes old JJJ look like a loud mouth, of coarse that'd qualify for every episode!! :laugh: Mysterio really had it coming framing Spidey, but am I the only o0ne who noticed that there is a bar brawl just like in the new Spectacular Spider-Man series?? Apparently this episode was an inspiration!!


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Re: The 1967 Spider-Man Animated Series
« Reply #8 on: March 31, 2010, 06:34:32 PM »

Episode 6: The Sky is Falling

The Plot: Spider-Man comes face-to-face with the Vulture, and some of his friends: birds under his control.

My Thoughts: This was ok, Vulture's really not one of my favorites. A man puts on wings and threatens to control the city with birds. Although a certain Alfred Hitchcock movie comes to mind, I really don't see what's so scary. I was just amused when his own army of birdies turned on him. Haha! Maybe next time he'll stick with henchmen. ::)


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Re: The 1967 Spider-Man Animated Series
« Reply #9 on: March 31, 2010, 06:52:29 PM »

Episode 7: Captured by J. Jonah Jameson

The Plot: Professor Henry Smythe demonstrates his new invention, the Spider-Slayer, which almost succeeds in capturing Spider-Man.

My Thoughts: Well, with the 90s series in my head, I expected Smythe to be involved in the underground a little more, and the Spider-slayer a little more humongous, but hey, like I typed before, I love any episode that makes Jonah look like a fool!! :laugh: It was so bad this episode he has to take a week off!! Lol, thats two thumbs, way up!!!  :thumbup: :thumbup:


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Re: The 1967 Spider-Man Animated Series
« Reply #10 on: March 31, 2010, 07:14:34 PM »

Episode 8: Never Step on a Scorpion

The Plot: J. Jonah Jameson and Dr. Stillwell create the Scorpion to defeat Spider-Man.

My Thoughts: Yet another plot to destroy Spider-Man innitiated by old JJJ. Normally I'd find him shaking in his bed in fear of his own creation amusing, but 2 episodes in a row? Ever occur to these guys to sprinkle it around? Eh, either way, I gotta give this episode a  :clap: . Some moments are really funny!!

"Him! It's HIM you want!!"

"Spoken like a true hero....I'll save you anyways."


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Re: The 1967 Spider-Man Animated Series
« Reply #11 on: March 31, 2010, 07:36:02 PM »

Episode 9: Sands of Crime

The Plot: The Sandman is on a crime spree and Spider-Man is being blamed for crimes that the Sandman is doing.

My Thoughts: Before you ask, es I ran out of options so I used a different picture of Sandman.

Sandman is usually one of my favorites, but this episode was just average. Just a matter of figuring out to get Sandman wet to take him down.


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Re: The 1967 Spider-Man Animated Series
« Reply #12 on: March 31, 2010, 07:55:25 PM »

Episode 10: Diet of Destruction

The Plot: Spider-Man must stop a giant Car-Eating Robot from destroying Manhatten.

My Thoughts: Yup, just another victimed episode of lack of pictures. Where's a photographer when you need him? ;)

At any rate, this is another average one. Ignoring the fact that it was a robot everyone kept calling a monster, and no one ever explained where it came from, it was ok.


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Re: The 1967 Spider-Man Animated Series
« Reply #13 on: March 31, 2010, 08:14:46 PM »

Episode 11: The Witching Hour

The Plot: The Green Goblin hypnotizes J. Jonah Jameson and plans to use him as a Medium for the Spirit World in order for the Green Goblin to summon ghosts to his aid.

My Thoughts: Well, finally the star villain arrives!! I have to say, this episode had a definite "Halloweeny" vibe to it. My only regret for this episode was that it never even hinted at Norman Osbourne. He's supposed to be a big industrialist type guy. You'd think they at least hint at it, something like an ending tag, like, Goblin in jail taking off his costume, and Osbourne saying "No, no! It's the Goblin, not me! Healways thinks he *slips into goblin voice* owns me. Let me out!"

Despite my ideas for a roughly 50-year-old show, it was actually really good! :thumbup:


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Re: The 1967 Spider-Man Animated Series
« Reply #14 on: March 31, 2010, 08:48:38 PM »

Episode 12: Killowatt Kaper

The Plot: Electro escapes from prison and Spider-Man must catch him.

My Thoughts: Well, as much as like the "The Return of - " kind of episodes, this was only mildly enjoyable. He gets his powers back by flying a kite? The electric webbing was pretty cool though, and don't get me started on JJJ's reaction!

"Oh no. Don't tell me he's the hero again!"