Author Topic: Smallville Marathon  (Read 36839 times)

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Re: Smallville Marathon
« Reply #30 on: August 10, 2007, 11:26:23 PM »
Season 4: Disc 6:

20. Ageless
Clark and Lana discover an abandoned baby in the cornfield and take him back to the Kent farm. However, once the baby ages from a newborn to a 7-year-old in a matter of days, the two realize he is aging at a rapid rate and frantically search for a cure before the disease kills him.

My Thoughts:
This one... to me is only an OK episode. Nothing special here what so ever... but it is Smallville... so for that alone I enjoyed it.

21. Forever
Clark must stop the school photographer after he sets up a secret simulated high school and begins kidnapping students -- starting with Chloe -- to keep the glory days of high school going forever.

My Thoughts:
This one however.. was a really good episode.I enjoyed it a lot. I also really liked the effects they used for this episode. This is the episode where the gang says goodbye to High School... and Hello to the next step in their lives... as they finish out the last day of school.

Clark begins to piece together the reason he was sent to Earth after he has a nightmare that something horrible is going to happen to Smallville and heads to the cave to seek answers from Jor-El. His biological father tells him he must reunite the three crystals immediately or a disaster of epic proportions will befall the planet and even Clark won't be able to stop it.

My Thoughts:
This was a great episode! So much going on in this episode... if you blink you might miss something!  I love it... they had another cliffhanger season finale of course... the cliffhangers weren't as good this season as they were last season in my opinion.... but I did love (hated when originally aired) how they  showed Clark throw the crystal to create the Fortress of Solitude... but just as he threw it we see "To Be Continued". Awesome! at least it is now that I have them on DVD... I hated waiting the summer before seeing the Fortress when it originally aired!

Over-All Season 4 Thoughts:
Over-all it was a pretty good season. of course had it's plus and minus'... I hated to see Pete gone from the series... but loved to see Chloe find out about Clark... and how she handled it. In my opinion... she really proved herself that she is truly Clark's friend... even if they did have some rocky points. OK... I can wait no longer... must go off and start season 5!

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Re: Smallville Marathon
« Reply #31 on: August 11, 2007, 10:45:52 AM »
Season 5: Disc 1:

Clark saves Chloe in the FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, although his actions may have dire consequences. Also, two beings - and eventually a third - emerge from the spaceship that crash-landed during the meteor shower.

My Thoughts:
This was a good conclusion to the last season's cliffhangers. Clark and Chloe talk.... so now she finally knows everything... and he knows that she knows. I have actually liked Chloe knowing... even more then Pete knowing. I do think that Clark facing the 2 Kryptonians that came to conquer was settled a little too quickly... but considering how much went on in this episode it is understandable. But I personally think this one would have been better as a 2 parter.

Normal is cool. His powers are gone, but Clark now has what he always wanted: Lana's love. However, when she and the Kents are held hostage by fugitives, Clark must rely solely on his wits to rescue them.

My Thoughts:
A good episode... This one I believe was to show that with or without his powers Clark is a hero.

No more meteor problems in SMALLVILLE. In fact, no more Smallville...if a missile launched by a renegade computer wiz hits its mark. And perhaps no Clark to the rescue. He is shot and declared dead.

My Thoughts:
This one was a good episode as well. Of course in this one Clark gets his powers back... Jor-El possesses Lionel Luthor's body to save Clark... and it is found out that someone Clark loves will die soon.

Lois is in deep. AC - aka AQUAMAN - saves her from drowning, and Lois can't resist being attracted to him. But AC has more than romance on his mind. He's out to thwart LUTHORCORP's secret sonar weapon.

My Thoughts:
Of course I enjoyed this one... as I said... I like the ones where the other heroes come to Smallville. I have always liked the character of Aquaman. This episode was supposed to get it's own spin-off show... but it got lost in the shuffle when the WB and UPN combined to become The CW. I did get the opportunity to see the pilot episode they made for it... and it really looked good... such a shame  that it never came to be.

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Re: Smallville Marathon
« Reply #32 on: August 11, 2007, 09:01:53 PM »
Season 5: Disc 2:

More than a one-bite stand? Lana unwittingly becomes part of a Met U. sorority of vampires. One condition of her membership: She must bring Clark in for a bitefest! Chloe joins the DAILY PLANET.

My Thoughts:
I LOVE this one! As I am sure most people know... I love vampire movies/shows.... So having a vampire episode in Smallville is awesome! As much as I love vampires... it is even better that the vampires are cute (if now annoying) Sorority Girls. LOL  And I just had to laugh at Clark in that Zorro costume for the Halloween party at the sorority house.

Undercover. And under-dressed. Lois poses as a gentleman's club dancer to sleuth information about a murdered stripper who may have ties to Jonathan's longtime friend, Senator Jennings.

My Thoughts:
A decent episode... was cool to see Tom Wopat and John Schnider together again in this episode. And of course I liked seeing Lois going undercover at the strip club.... and we also get the first hint of Jonathan running for the Senate. But I don't think the episode came out as good as it could of.

Mysterious messages taunt him. Friends betray him. A new kind of KRYPTONITE makes Clark paranoid...and dangerous. Prof. Fine reveals his origins. And Jonathan weighs a run for political office against Lex.

My Thoughts:
Another Decent episode... in this one Clark finds out about Professor Fine. And we get introduced to Silver Kryptonite now. I don't know... I like James Marsters... but I wasn't too thrilled with the Professor Fine episodes. They did bring the main story arc along... but the entertainment value wasn't as up there as it should have been.

A strange malady grips Martha - is JOR-EL attempting to collect her? Prof. Fine convinces Clark the only way to stop his biological father is to destroy the Fortress of Solitude. Trust him at you own peril, Clark!

My Thoughts:
A good episode... but not great. Clark finds out the whole truth about Professor Fine. Again the episode, although was good, I felt could have been better.

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Re: Smallville Marathon
« Reply #33 on: August 12, 2007, 12:53:16 PM »
Season 5: Disc 3:

It's a wonderful life, Lex. A tragedy on Christmas Eve gives him a glimpse of a potentially happy future with wife Lana...if he makes the right choices. Meanwhile, Clark assists a disheartened Santa Claus.

My Thoughts:
This was a good episode... I enjoyed it more then I expected to when I originally heard that they were making a Christmas episode. It shows just how twisted Lex's mind really is.

Winning is everything. Defeat is not an option. A student supporting Lex's campaign has a fierce way of backing her candidate. Clark and Lana have a lovers' spat.

My Thoughts:
This was another good episode. Talk about twisted minds.... the college girl in this episode was truly twisted.

Clark and Lana's uneasiness grows. But Lana and Lex grow closer as they hide in the safe room from rogue officers seeking the location of the spaceship. Jonathan learns of Lionel's ties to his campaign.

My Thoughts:
Yet another really good episode... between the spaceship arc and the run for senate arc... these episodes has only been getting better. Of course this movie rips off the movie Panic Room... but I think they did a really good job with it.

Clark reveals his secret, proposes to Lana, and she accepts. Too good to be true? Perhaps. Two profound tragedies rapidly follow. And, despite Clark's super powers, only one of them can be undone.

My Thoughts:
This will always be a good... but sad episode to me. One of my favorite characters gone. But I did like the way they did the episode.

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Re: Smallville Marathon
« Reply #34 on: August 12, 2007, 05:35:01 PM »
Season 5: Disc 4:

Clark is in emotional lockdown, but he finds an understanding spirit in the person of a super-powered female vigilante. She, too, has lost a parent. However, something divides them: their attitudes about how to fight crime.

My Thoughts:
This was a great episode! They showed Clark close to the point of killing before he came to his senses. I loved the look of the Angel of Vengeance! Was an awesome look!

Chloe hasn't been herself lately. The ghost of a murder victim possesses the 'Daily Planet' reporter's body in an attempt to find the killer and avenge her death. But that quest puts both Chloe and Lois in grave peril.

My Thoughts:
Another really good episode. Nothing like a good ghost/possession story for someone that is as big of a horror fan as I am!

Part man. Part machine. Victor Stone, the subject of secret bionic experiments at LuthorCorp, escapes and finds an ally in someone who knows what it's like to be different: CLARK KENT. Also: Lionel comes into possession of a certain secret.

My Thoughts:
This disc is 3 for 3! Another episode I liked a lot! This one brings Cyborg  in. Another of the Justice League comes to Smallville.

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Re: Smallville Marathon
« Reply #35 on: August 12, 2007, 07:43:31 PM »
Season 5: Disc 5:

Under her spell: A woman uses hypnosis to control Clark (and Lex uses the woman's past to control her). Broken spell: Clark parts ways with Lana. And Prof. Fine and the spaceship reemerge in Honduras.

My Thoughts:
This is a good episode... but nothing really special about it... other then the return of James Marsters as Professor Fine.

Journeys to the other side. Clark and Lex are each subjected to a substance that causes near-death experiences...and brings unexpected insights to each about the men they will become. Clark learns Prof. Fine is alive.

My Thoughts:
This was a good episode... it is an obvious rip off of the movie Flatliners... but I did enjoy it a lot.

He understands the burden of unusual powers. Clark befriends a troubled girl who has anger - and telekinetic powers that shatter glass - she can't control. Suspicions about Lex and Lana may be right.

My Thoughts:
This is another one of those episodes that are good... but nothing really that special about it. I did like the special effects of the mentally controlling of  glass... it looked pretty cool.

Do. Or die. Lionel and Martha are playing for keeps. They're trapped by a bizarre masked avenger and subjected to his lethal series of survival games. Clark tries to locate them before it's too late.

My Thoughts:
This is one of my favorites... even if it is a blatant rip-off of the Saw movies. I thought they did a really good job with it.

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Re: Smallville Marathon
« Reply #36 on: August 12, 2007, 11:00:46 PM »
Season 5: Disc 6:
Now you see him, now you don't. A hitman who has the power of invisibility decides to help Clark reunite with Lana by making Lex disappear... permanently. Plus: Is the Fine-Lex conspiracy taking shape?

My Thoughts:
This is a good episode... but again one that is nothing very special. Just another basic good episode.

He looks like Jonathan. But his message perplexes Clark: Would his father's ghost really send him on a murder mission? Fine obtains the vaccine he seeks. And Kryptonian symbols spell out a warning.

My Thoughts:
This one was good episode... it really set up the season finale well. It was nice to see John Schnider in an episode again.

Meet superpowered Lex, the host vessel of ZOD! Clark can stop Zod's vendetta...if he's willing to kill Lex. Lana stands by her man, Fine releases an electronic virus, and Clark - well, see it for yourself.

My Thoughts:
Once again a season of Smallville concludes with a really good cliffhanger episode. I am really looking forward to the season 6 release next month now!

Over-All Season 5 Thoughts:
It was a really good season... even though Jonathan Kent is no longer around.  A lot really happened this season to advance the series. There was also a lot of fun episodes this season... even more then normally.

I had a great time watching this marathon... It seemed to go quickly... now I am really looking forward to not only getting season 6 on DVD... but for season 7 to start. I do have to wonder just how many more seasons they think they can get out of this series... you would think by now it would be close to the time of Clark going to Metropolis as a reporter and becoming Superman.

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Re: Smallville Marathon
« Reply #37 on: August 13, 2007, 06:30:29 AM »
I have heard, that season 7 will be the last "normal" Smallville season and that season 8 will be the last one but practically a Lois & Clark Superman season.

But I can't imagine a season without Lex and Cloe. :(

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Re: Smallville Marathon
« Reply #38 on: August 13, 2007, 12:05:42 PM »
Pulling Chloe would break my heart. And not sure how they could even pull Lex from the show... but either way I will stick with it till the end... they have never disappointed me yet.

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Re: Smallville Marathon
« Reply #39 on: September 21, 2007, 10:33:59 PM »
I am about to start watching my season 6 set (I just got yesterday)... is anyone here interested in me continuing my marathon review here for the 6th season set?


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Re: Smallville Marathon
« Reply #40 on: September 22, 2007, 12:04:22 AM »
Of course!  ;D

And if I wasn't in the middle of Charmed S3, I would be watching right along with you! (although I probably wouldn't be able to keep up)

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Re: Smallville Marathon
« Reply #41 on: September 22, 2007, 03:40:59 AM »
I always enjoy reading your posts Pete; you're better than any trailer!  :clap: I understand if you don't have the time to devote to reviews but I, for one, would miss reading your commentary. Of course my pocket book would probably like less reviews, my wish list/owned list has grown because of you!  :laugh:
« Last Edit: September 22, 2007, 08:36:46 PM by Kathy »

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Re: Smallville Marathon
« Reply #42 on: September 22, 2007, 11:00:59 AM »
 :laugh: Then I MUST continue, Kathy!  ;D

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Re: Smallville Marathon
« Reply #43 on: September 22, 2007, 11:36:43 AM »
Yes, pleas continue. I am especially interested in your views about 6x15, 6x16 and 6x22

Abraham Lincoln once said The trouble with quotes from the internet is that you never know if they're genuine.

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Re: Smallville Marathon
« Reply #44 on: September 22, 2007, 02:39:26 PM »
Smallville: The Complete 6th Season
They tried to be friends. But their chosen paths set them on a collision course. The Clark Kent - Lex Luthor rivalry explodes into the fierce good-versus-evil battle fans have long expected in Season 6 of the spectacular series that reinterprets the characters and events of Superman mythology from its core.

Adding to the rivalry: Lana Lang becomes Mrs. Luthor. Clark would be stunned to find out why she says yes. But that's not all that's stunning. Green Arrow forms a Super Hero league. Will Clark join? Phantom Zone escapees menace Earth. Can Clark stop them? Luthrcorop expands its dark experiments. Will an awesome Kryptonite-powered army be the result? The answers - and thrills - are here!

Season 6: Disc 1

1. Zod
Thrown into the Phantom Zone, a Kryptonian jail created by Jor-El, Clark finds himself without powers and surrounded by revenge-seeking criminals sent away by his father. Meanwhile, having taken over Lex’s body, Zod keeps Lana captive with a demand to sire him an heir and begins his plans to turn Earth into a Krypton-like planet using the alien ship’s hard drive.

My Thoughts:
This was a really good episode. Of course... the season premieres usually are... what with having to tie up all the last season's cliff-hangers. I personally don't care much for the addition of Jimmy Olsen. I don't know what it is about that character.. whether it is the way he is written... or if it is the actor playing him... or what... but for some reason this incarnation of Jimmy just bugs me.

2. Sneeze
Clark works hard to clean up the destruction done by Zod and develops what he thinks is his first cold. However, he soon discovers it is a new power – super breath! Lois lands a job at The Inquisitor, the local tabloid, and Lana moves in with Lex, who believes someone is following him, which quickly proves to be true after he is kidnapped.

My Thoughts:
Wow!... new power comes early this season! Of course I always have loved when Clark develops a new power. And this one is no exception. I got a kick out of him blowing the barn door across town... almost hitting Lois while she is on her jog. I did miss one thing in this episode... this time Clark had little problems controlling his new power.. and showed no real consequences if he didn't get the power under control. I do realize it is harder with this power... but think something should have been said other then ohh... gonna sneeze better cover my face. And of course this is the first time we see Lois truly in reporter mode... and say she thinks she found her calling in life.

3. Wither
Still guilt-ridden about the destruction he caused while he was Zod, Lex throws a charity costume ball for the town and hires the All-American Rejects to perform. Meanwhile, Clark and Chloe pursue a creature who uses male human bodies as potting mix to procreate, and the hunt intensifies after the creature gets hold of Jimmy Olsen. Lois reluctantly agrees to be Oliver Queen's date to Lex’s ball.

My Thoughts:
This one is a decent episode... nothing I would call great. I did like the effects used to show how the guys are trapped in the woods by the Phantom Zone escapee. at this point I can still say I don't care for this incarnation of the Jimmy Olsen character. Even to the point that I was like who cares when he was in trouble. Oliver Queen... on the other hand... him I liked. I do think the Smallville writers is doing him right... Though I do admit to not knowing much about the Green Arrow character at all. Though one of the extras on this disc did help me here.

Disc 1 Extras

Green Arrow: The Legend of the Emerald Archer
This is a 25 minute featurette on the character of Green Archer going from the early comic book days to the Smallville character. This featurette helped me to appreciate the character much more since I knew very little of the character before him showing up on Smallville. Was an interesting look... definitely enjoyed it.

Smallville: Big Fans
This is a 30 minute featurette on the actual fans of Smallville... they literally went to the homes and workplaces of some extreme Smallville fanatics. I had a lot of fun watching this featurette! I think it is a cool idea to somehow bring the fans in to talk about their favorite show some on the DVDs. This is something I would love to see become a trend in TV Shows on DVD. This is actually the second time of late that I have seen an extra like this... the first being on the final season of Charmed. Other then clips of fanatics in their homes... they also had clips from comic-con and in the main offices of Smallville to see some of the fan letters and such that fans send in. Definitely was a fun extra!

Deleted Scenes:
This disc has deleted scenes from episodes Sneeze and Wither. The scene deleted from Sneezewas definitely good scenes... but nothing pivotal to the plot. But the scene from Wither on the other hand... this one would have supported the episode more by keeping it in. I wish this one was left in the episode.