Date | TV Series | Episode | Rating |
1 | Scrubs | 2.21 My Drama Queen |  |
1 | Scrubs | 2.22 My Dream Job |  |
1 | Friends | 8.12 The One Where Joey Dates Rachel |  |
1 | Becker | 3.22 Small Wonder (Part 1 of 3) |  |
1 | Becker | 3.23 Sue You (Part 2 of 3) |  |
1 | Becker | 3.24 Trials and Defibrillations (Part 3 of 3) |  |
1 | Viper | 2.01 Winner Take All |  |
1 | Friends | 8.13 The One Where Chandler Takes a Bath |  |
2 | The Office | 1.05 Basketball |  |
2 | Family Matters | 2.11 Requiem for an Urkel |  |
2 | Step by Step | 1.01 Pilot |  |
2 | SeaQuest DSV | 1.05 Treasures of the Tonga Trench |  |
2 | Step by Step | 1.02 The Dance |  |
3 | Glee | 5.07 Puppet Master |  |
3 | The Good Place | 2.01 Everything Is Great! |  |
3 | Step by Step | 1.03 Rules of the House |  |
3 | Step by Step | 1.04 First Anniversary |  |
3 | Star Trek: Voyager | 2.16 Meld |  |
4 | The Good Place | 2.02 Dance Dance Resolution |  |
4 | Step by Step | 1.05 Frank & Son |  |
4 | Smallville | 5.22 Vessel |  |
4 | Step by Step | 1.06 Pulling Together |  |
4 | SeaQuest DSV | 1.06 Brothers and Sisters |  |
5 | The Good Place | 2.03 Team Cockroach |  |
5 | SeaQuest DSV | 1.07 Give Me Liberte |  |
5 | Step by Step | 1.07 Yo-Yo's Wedding |  |
5 | Step by Step | 1.08 Just for Kicks |  |
5 | Curb Your Enthusiasm | 4.09 The Survivor |  |
6 | The Good Place | 2.04 Existential Crisis |  |
6 | Step by Step | 1.09 Into the Woods |  |
7 | A Man on the Inside | 1.03 The Emily Always Rings Twice |  |
7 | A Man on the Inside | 1.04 The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Painting Class |  |
7 | A Man on the Inside | 1.05 Presents and Clear Danger |  |
7 | A Man on the Inside | 1.06 Our Man in Sacramento |  |
7 | A Man on the Inside | 1.07 From Russian Hill with Love |  |
7 | A Man on the Inside | 1.08 The Spy Who Came in from the Cold |  |
7 | Step by Step | 1.10 Mixed Messages |  |
7 | Becker | 4.01 Psycho Therapy |  |
8 | Step by Step | 1.11 A Day in the Life |  |
8 | The Good Place | 2.05 The Trolley Problem |  |
9 | The Office | 1.06 Hot Girl |  |
9 | Family Matters | 2.12 Fast Eddie Winslow |  |
9 | Glee | 5.08 Previously Unaired Christmas |  |
9 | Step by Step | 1.12 The New Car |  |
9 | The Good Place | 2.06 Janet and Michael |  |
9 | Step by Step | 1.13 Getting Organized |  |
10 | The Good Place | 2.07 Derek |  |
10 | Star Trek: Deep Space Nine | 4.15 Sons of Mogh |  |
10 | Step by Step | 1.14 Home Alone |  |
10 | SeaQuest DSV | 1.08 Knight of Shadows |  |
11 | Step by Step | 1.15 Drive, He Said |  |
11 | Step by Step | 1.16 Bully for Mark |  |
12 | The Good Place | 2.08 Leap to Faith |  |
12 | Curb Your Enthusiasm | 4.10 Opening Night |  |
12 | Step by Step | 1.17 The Boys in the Band |  |
12 | Step by Step | 1.18 School Daze |  |
13 | SeaQuest DSV | 1.09 Bad Water |  |
13 | The Good Place | 2.09 Best Self |  |
13 | Step by Step | 1.19 Country Club |  |
14 | The Good Place | 2.10 Rhonda, Diana, Jake, and Trent |  |
14 | Step by Step | 1.20 Daddy's Girl |  |
14 | Step by Step | 1.21 He Wanted Wings |  |
15 | Step by Step | 1.22 Beauty Contest |  |
15 | Smallville | 6.01 Zod |  |
15 | The Good Place | 2.11 The Burrito |  |
15 | The Good Place | 2.12 Somewhere Else |  |
15 | SeaQuest DSV | 1.10 The Regulator |  |
16 | The Good Place | 3.01 Everything Is Bonzer! (Part 1) |  |
16 | The Good Place | 3.02 Everything Is Bonzer! (Part 2) |  |
16 | Family Matters | 2.13 Have Yourself a Merry Winslow Christmas |  |
16 | Glee | 5.09 Frenemies |  |
17 | Step by Step | 2.01 S.A.T. Blues |  |
17 | The Good Place | 3.03 The Brainy Bunch |  |
17 | The Office | 2.01 The Dundies |  |
18 | The Good Place | 3.04 The Snowplow |  |
18 | Star Trek: Voyager | 2.17 Dreadnought |  |
18 | Step by Step | 2.02 To B or Not to Be |  |
18 | Step by Step | 2.03 Stuck on You |  |
19 | Step by Step | 2.04 J.T.'s World |  |
19 | The Good Place | 3.05 Jeremy Bearimy |  |
19 | Curb Your Enthusiasm | 5.01 The Larry David Sandwich |  |
19 | Step by Step | 2.05 It's a Dog's Life |  |
19 | SeaQuest DSV | 1.11 SeaWest |  |
19 | Becker | 4.02 Breakfast of Chumpions |  |
20 | Step by Step | 2.06 The Boss |  |
20 | SeaQuest DSV | 1.12 Photon Bullet |  |
20 | The Good Place | 3.06 The Ballad of Donkey Doug |  |
21 | Columbo | 1.01 Prescription: Murder |  |
21 | Becker | 4.03 Jake's Jaunt |  |
21 | Step by Step | 2.07 Model Daughter |  |
22 | The Good Place | 3.07 A Fractured Inheritance |  |
22 | Becker | 4.04 Dog Days |  |
22 | The Office | 2.02 Sexual Harassment |  |
23 | Family Matters | 2.14 Ice Station Winslow |  |
23 | Glee | 5.10 Trio |  |
25 | Star Trek: Deep Space Nine | 4.16 Bar Association |  |
25 | The Practice | 8.07 Rape Shield |  |
25 | The Practice | 8.08 Concealing Evidence |  |
25 | Scrubs | 3.01 My Own American Girl |  |
26 | Scrubs | 3.02 My Journey |  |
26 | Becker | 4.05 Really Good Advice |  |
26 | Scrubs | 3.03 My White Whale |  |
27 | Step by Step | 2.08 Someone to Watch Over Me |  |
27 | The Practice | 8.09 Victims' Rights |  |
27 | The Good Place | 3.08 The Worst Possible Use of Free Will |  |
27 | Becker | 4.06 Get Me Out of Here |  |
27 | Step by Step | 2.09 The Making of the President |  |
28 | Becker | 4.07 Hanging with Jake |  |
28 | The Good Place | 3.09 Don't Let the Good Life Pass You By |  |
28 | Step by Step | 2.10 Virgin Territory |  |
28 | SeaQuest DSV | 1.14 Nothing But the Truth |  |
28 | The Practice | 8.10 Equal Justice |  |
28 | The Practice | 8.11 Police State |  |
28 | The Golden Girls | 2.01 End of the Curse |  |
29 | Scrubs | 3.04 My Lucky Night |  |
29 | The Practice | 8.12 Avenging Angels |  |
29 | The Practice | 8.13 Going Home |  |
29 | The Practice | 8.14 Pre-Trial Blues |  |
29 | The Practice | 8.15 Mr. Shore Goes to Town |  |
29 | The Practice | 8.16 In Good Conscience |  |
30 | The Practice | 8.17 War of the Roses |  |
30 | The Office | 2.03 Office Olympics |  |
30 | The Practice | 8.18 The Case Against Alan Shore |  |
30 | The Practice | 8.19 The Firm |  |
30 | The Practice | 8.20 Comings and Goings |  |
30 | The Practice | 8.21 New Hoods on the Block |  |
31 | The Practice | 8.22 Adjourned/Cheers |  |