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Member's Reviews

THE AMERICAN EXPERIENCE: The Nuremberg Trials, a review by Antares

THE AMERICAN EXPERIENCE: The Nuremberg Trials (2006) 77/100"peace" mission to Scotland ended in his capture and imprisonment in 1941. His capture took place months before the Final Solution had been finalized at the Wannsee Conference in 1942. He may not have been charged with crimes against humanity, but to receive a stiffer sentence than Speer, who ordered the working to death of Jews, Poles and Russian prisoners in his armaments factories, was ludicrous. He would later become a political pawn of the Russians during the Cold War as his imprisonment in Spandau Prison, gave the Russians a slight toe hold in West Berlin, where Spandau was located.

Teal = Masterpiece
Dark Green = Classic or someday will be
Lime Green = A good, entertaining film
Orange = Average
Red = Cinemuck
Brown = The color of crap, which this film is

(From Antares' Short Summations on December 3rd, 2014)

Member's Reviews

The Cold, a review by Jimmy


Title: The Cold (1984)

Genre: Horror
Director: Bill Rebane           
Rating: Unrated
Length: 1h24
Video: Full Frame
Audio: English
Subtitles: None

Tom Blair
Jim Iaquinta
Carol Perry
Stuart Osborne
Don Arthur

Nine people are invited to a secluded mansion at the request of three millionaires. It seems the millionaires have invited these people to participate in a game, wich involves their deepest fears, for a prize of $1,000,000. Each guest must face and survive their encounters in hopes of winning the money.

My Thoughts:
Can I say that I live an overdose of Bill Rebane's movies, 3 in 2 days (I've not written a review of The Demon of Ludlow, because this movie is just stupid)... The basic idea of this movie is good since this is a reality show long before their creation, but this is the only good comment that I will make. The acting is incredibly bad : one of the girl had absolutly no acting talent she's in the film because she had agreed to do the nude parts. There are absolutly no characters building, most of them die and we have no idea of who they are. I'm sure that this movie had no script : the story change continuously even the end make no sense since this killer is never mentions or seen in the movie before the end.

Probably the stupidest movie in this boxset.

Rating :

(From The little known movie review depot on January 25th, 2009)

Member's TV Reviews

Tom's Random Star Trek Reviews, a review by Tom

Star Trek: The Next Generation
4.08 Future Imperfect
Writer: J. Larry Carroll (Writer), David Bennett Carren (Writer)
Director: Les Landau
Cast: Patrick Stewart (Capt. Jean-Luc Picard), Jonathan Frakes (Cmdr. William Riker), LeVar Burton (Lt. Cmdr. Geordi La Forge), Michael Dorn (Lieutenant Worf), Gates McFadden (Dr. Beverly Crusher), Marina Sirtis (Counselor Deanna Troi), Brent Spiner (Lt. Commander Data), Wil Wheaton (Ensign Wesley Crusher), Andreas Katsulas (Tomalak), Chris Demetral (Jean-Luc/Ethan), Carolyn McCormick (Minuet), Patti Yasutake (Nurse), Todd Merrill (Gleason), April Grace (Transporter Chief Hubbell), George O'Hanlon, Jr. (Transporter Chief)

Commander Riker wakes up in the future without a memory of the last 16 years. I always enjoyed this episode. A nice what-if episode.


(From Tom's Random Star Trek Reviews on October 31st, 2011)